This weekend we:
Were feeling motivated and inspired so we took advantage of the rarity and tackled a few major yard projects. First, we took down the swing set, much to the kids dismay. They really loved playing on it, but after nearly five years we felt like it was getting a little old and unstable. Why did we feel that way? I think it was the fact that it shook perilously every time one or more children climbed on it…
We let the kids cross the monkey bars one last time before dismantling their beloved swing set.
After taking don the swing set, we decided that it would be nice to completely open up our backyard. And in order to do that, the chain link fence would need to go. So we took it down. And we are both wickedly sore after doing so. But the yard? Looks awesome.

Notice the dog in the corner who is now leashed to a tree. She is the only one not impressed with our hard work.
We also took advantage of the great weather and planted flowers. Have I mentioned that I love spring?
A few other weekend activities included:
– Lee and I attending the wedding of a friend. I was her counselor at a children’s camp when I was in high school. And she’s married now. I feel old…
– My sweet friend Lindsey (who is also sister to the above mentioned bride), and I went to visit with the man who forever altered the course of my life when I was fifteen and he took me on my first mission trip to the former Soviet Union. He is now battling a cancer that is extremely aggressive and is ravaging his body. For almost three hours we sat and talked with him, laughing, reminiscing and soaking up his wisdom. I would like to write more about Gary, but I need some time to process all that we discussed yesterday. But I would like to ask that you join me in praying for him and his family.
– Tia asked me to braid her hair so that she could look “woody pitty” for daddy. So I did. Then I took pictures.
– I cleaned the wall after Landon played Picasso.
What we did NOT do:
– Go to Sloan’s first baseball game due to muddy fields.
– Go to Tia’s soccer game due to lack of motivation.
What did you do and NOT do this weekend?
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