I got this idea from C-Jane’s blog. I’m not quite as spunky a writer as she is, but I liked looking through my 2009 posts and remembering the fun and crazy words that composed and marked the past year.
– The Inauguration: Thoughts From a Conservative: This was one of my few ventures into politics on my blog. I don’t do it often, but sometimes the urge to comment on the political temperature of our country gets the best of me. Political posts always lead to interesting comments. I also ended up on the news during this particular event.
– Boredom Leads to Strange Things: An Epic Battle: In which Sloan and I developed an entire story using his Star Wars figurines and a doll house.
Hoops and Tears: This was one of my more poignant and introspective posts of the year. I don’t often venture into the recesses of my heart on my blog, but this was a decisive moment in my year and it’s a prayer that my heart still whispers for my child.
The Master Cleanse: A Reflection: Perhaps one of the funnier moments of our year. This was the description of mine and Lee’s abismal attempt at the Master Cleanse diet.
Minivans are HOT!: I got my new site up and running with this post.
Memo to My Husband: My kind (and fecicious) way of asking my husband not to screw the lids of the kids’ sippy cups on so tight.
Sick and Twisted or Just Plain Funny?: If my children ever end up needing professional counseling, this post may contain some explanation as to why.
Easter Blunder: My husband made a man blunder on Easter Sunday of all days. It made for a great memory…and gave me a reason to laugh at him – good naturedly of course.
Can I Just Go Back To Bed?: The Infamous haircut heard ’round the world. It was Sloan’s lone foray into hair maintenance – he was fired, effective immediately and lasting for all of eternity.
The Art of Taking Tea: A friend and I threw a kick-butt tea party.
The Lotus in a Field of Mud: I love yoga – I just don’t understand it…
Why I’m in Turks and Caicos: I got to take the trip of a lifetime with my mom as we travelled to her childhood home in South Caicos. It was amazing.
July: This was a big posting month for me…
Six Years: My baby turned six. *sob*
Then and Now: I took these comparitive shots of Landon on our favorite stretch of beach.
Heavy and Light: In which I go all introspective again.
I’m sorry but it’s all I’ve got today…: My pitiful, yet painfully honest, admition that I would gladly allow Zac Efron to make a Cougar out of me (though since I’ve written this post I’ve been informed that a woman in her thirties is actually referred to as a Puma).
On Immunizations: I ventured into another hot topic and posted our decision to alter and withhold some immunizations for our children.
Missions Week: I hosted my first Missions Week in which I featured missions organizations and missionaries that are near and dear to my heart. You can read all of the posts by clicking on the link at the top of my page.
The President’s Address to Our Children: I got political again and in doing so stepped in a big pile of *&%! This particular post ended in me getting an email from Fox and Friends to be interviewed on their morning program. Unfortunately I was out of town when they needed me and was unable to do the interview.
A Party in the Heavenlies: My son asked Jesus to be his Savior. A momentous day for sure.
Don’t let the door hit you in the –: The one where I admit that sometimes my mothering skills are reduced to clapping my hands.
Pumpkins and Funnel Cakes – A Lovely Combo: I worked on taking and posting better photographs with this post.
I Blame it all on Them: This post found me lamenting my dying brain cells – a phenomena I blame entirely on the children.
Mature Woman my BLEEP: My dermatologist had a severe case of verbal diarrhea.
The Three Wise Men, The Construction Worker and the Lady Down the Street: This one is pretty self-explanatory.
The One Where My Mom Claws Come Out: I almost had to take a girl out at the mall. Don’t make mama bear angry!
Whew – It’s been a fun ride, this blogging thing. I’m so glad I have these stories documented and I’m so grateful to have you guys journey with us. I know I’m not the most talented writer out there and I don’t always spin the most fascinating stories, but this blog has been a fun release for me and I enjoy your company!
I’m hoping to improve my writing skills in this coming year, while also providing a fun and witty journal for my children to look back at one day. This is the literary road map of their childhoods. I just pray that I do them justice.
Happy 2010.
Which, can you believe it’s 2010? I really thought we’d have flying cars by now…and Hoverboards.
Blast those Hollywood movie makers…
i really wish we had Hoverboards!
this post was awesome! thanks!!
This is a good idea…nice to reflect on the year in this way. I think it must have taken you FOREVER to accomplish it…way to go.
Actually it wasn’t so bad. WordPress has all my posts categorized by month on the back end, so I just pulled up each month and copied and pasted the ones I liked the best from them. Bada bing, bada boom. Luckily it wasn’t too difficult to narrow down the choices. Most of these just stood out to me.
I liked YOUR year review in pictures. If I took awesome pictures like you, I would do that. But I don’t tkae awesome pictures like you…
hey kelli. i just wanted to thank you for all of the posting you do. you have actually inspired me to do a blog for our kids (well…kid right now.) i check your blog everyday to keep up with and your family and i have actually caught randy pulling up your blog to catch up too. it’s such a cool way to store memories of your children and keep everyone else updated. anyway, thanks for blogging!
Steph – thanks! I didn’t know you had a blog, but I’m so excited to know so now I can keep up with you guys and your kid (soon to be kids!) So fun. Love you guys and hope to see you this year