Archives for 2011

Snow Day – Take Three

We have a snow day today…again.  I’m trying not to complain.  I’m trying to have a good attitude and remember how magical and exciting snow days were when I was a kid.  I’m trying not to dwell on the fact that Lee left this morning for San Diego for the weekend.  I’m trying to ignore the fact that I should probably go shovel the driveway. 

In an effort to enjoy the day and soak up the chance to stay home and relax, we are doing a lot of this today:


We’re enjoying the beauty of the powdery snow.  While snow is not my favorite thing in the world, there is no denying it’s beautiful to look at.  We’ll probably go out and play at some point.


We’re watching TV…


In front of the fire.


We’re making funny faces every time mom pulls out the camera.


We’re eating Nutella pancakes for breakfast.




We’re singing praises along to Selah’s You Deliver Me.


Yessir…it’s going to be a mighty snow day.  Here’s to hoping that it only lasts one day, though…


It’s better this way


Alternately titled: Why I locked my three year old in his room.

It was 8:00 and I had just returned home from a rehearsal when I went back to my bathroom to brush my teeth and change into my fat pants comfy clothes.  It was then I heard the breathing.  Like a miniature Darth Vadar was standing at my hip.

“Landon, get back in bed.”

“I’m firsty,” he whined.  I gave him a sip of water and sent him to bed.  Then I turned on the bath tub to try and warm myself up.  When I turned around, he was there again, this time scaring the Bejeebus out of me.  I yelped and karate chopped the air because For the love of all things Holy must children sneak up on you like that!

“Landon, go to bed,” I said, this time with more force.  And you should know, it’s not easy to use such force with someone as cute as my third born.  His tiny face is framed by a mop of Bieber hair and Sweet Mercy I just want to chomp on his cheeks every time I see him.  He’s just yummy.

“Can I wear shorts?” he said, batting his little hypnotic eyes at me.

“Fine.  Change, then go to bed.”

Off he went and I settled in the tub.  Until I saw his eye peeking through the crack in the door.

“Landon, go to bed!”

He turned and shuffled off.

This routine went back and forth for almost an hour.  And this was a good night – for Landon anyway.  He caught me on an off night when I wasn’t ready for the fight.  Generally these nights end up with a slew of tears from him and a few from me.  But this night saw me unable to fight his antics.

The child will not stay in his bed.

To be fair, I let him take a longer nap than usual on this fateful day, but that doesn’t excuse the fact that he changed outfits no less than six times, and took close to an hour and a half to go to sleep.

I finally did what any self respecting mother would do.  I closed the door.  The very door that I installed a door knob protector on a few weeks ago so he couldn’t open it back up.  In general I don’t like to do this and it is a last resort but here’s the deal: I would rather him be stuck in his room and finally have to give up the fight on his own than have him go to sleep with his last vision of me looking like the spawn of satan.  Because let me tell you…after you have spent an hour telling a child to go to bed, your patience is thin and life isn’t looking good for the child…no matter how cute he is.

It can get ugly.

So I lock him in his room.  This is a decision Lee and I came to together.  We simply weren’t getting through to him any other way.  Locking him in is a way to protect him and protect our own emotions.  Glory, Hallelujah!

I don’t lock the door at night often because Landon’s afraid of being stuck in a dark room.  Yes, I also removed the night light from his room and put it in the hallway because he was waking up at 3:00 in the morning and having parties with his stuffed animals like a teenager whose parents left town – sometimes for hours on end.  So generally it only takes a couple of short moments in his dark room to get him to settle down.  I am able to remain calm, he gets the idea.  Everybody wins.

Nap time is a different story.

When I make him take a nap, that is.  Because, you see, my third child is much like his mother.  Dang it.  (Not like my second born who, like her father, can sleep anytime, anywhere and seems to love the act of napping.)  I don’t need a lot of sleep to function and neither does Landon.  I gave up naps at an early age and Landon is following suit.  I don’t like this, of course, but payback’s a bleep, right?  I don’t like it because when he doesn’t nap, I don’t get the things accomplished that I need to get accomplished.  But, on the flip side, when he doesn’t nap he goes to bed at 7:00 or 7:30 with little to no fuss and he sleeps all night.

Kind of a nice trade off.

He will still take naps many days, but I’m not forcing it anymore unless it’s obvious he’s really tired.  I remember being forced to take a nap as a child and I hated it.  I swore I would never make my children sleep if they weren’t tired and my little mini-Bieber just isn’t tired most days.

He’ll probably nap today since he didn’t yesterday.  But alas, even though he didn’t sleep the locked door came in handy yet again when I made him stay in his room and play for a bit.

Of course he sat in there and used the bathroom in his pants, which was totally my fault since I locked him in.

*sigh*  I can’t win.

Do any of you have sleeping struggles with children?  Am I the only one?  Please, commiserate with me, will you?  Pull up a chair, grab a bottle of wine.  Let’s chat.  What?  It’s only 10:00am? 

Is it too early to drink?

I’m kidding!  I don’t drink this early in the morning.  No…I wait until 2:00 when the kids aren’t napping.

Again with the kidding…

Stones of Remembrance



This is a word that is following me around quite a bit lately.  I hear it, read it, think it and sleep it.  Intentional.  What does it mean to be intentional?

I went to Webster’s Dictionary to look for a clear defination of intentional.  Here’s what I learned: Webster’s Dictionary isn’t a lot of help.  Intentional is defined as “done by intention or design.”  Great.  Awesome.  Way to help. 

 So I looked up the word intend. 

“To direct the mind to.”

Much better.  This definition actually gave me something to think about.  Because to be intentional really does require thought.  It means I must direct my mind toward an action. It requires work and planning and it’s hard…

To live and live well, one must be intentional.  I forget that a lot.  Actually, it feels like I forget that every single day.  How often do I go to bed and run through the day and realize I went through the motions?  How often do I reflect on the day and see that I merely survived?

This is not intention.

Lee and I are blessed to have wonderful leaders and friends and supporters around us who are constantly encouraging us to be better.  Yesterday we spoke at length with many of these people about placing Stones of Remembrance out for our kids. 

Orchestrating moments in the kids lives that they can look back at and point to as a time when God was there. 

A time they remember. 

A time they felt loved.  

A time when they discovered who they were created to be.


When the Isrealites crossed the Jordan River into the promised land, Joshua commanded the twelve men whom he had appointed from the sons of Isreal and said to them, “Cross again to the ark of the Lord your God into the middle of the Jordan, and each of you take up a stone on his shoulder…Let this be a sign among you, so that when your children ask later, saying, ‘What do these stones mean to you?’ then you sall say to them, ‘Because the waters of the Jordan were cut off before the ark of the covenant of the Lord;  when it crossed the Jordan, the waters of the Jordan were cut off.’ So these stones shall become a memorial to the sons of Isreal forever.”


I have to be intentional with my children.  I have to set out stones of remembrance for them.  Sometimes these things are easy – they naturally flow from the every day moments of life – as long as I’m paying attention, of course.  Like the day the tornado didn’t come through.  We were intentional in pointing Sloan to God’s answer that day.

But if I’m not planning ahead – if I’m not intentionally seeking ways to set up stones of remembrance – I will miss opportunities.

The same goes in every area of our lives.  Lee and I are being challenged in many different ways to be intentional in our giving.  We must intentionally stretch ourselves to give more.  We must be intentional in budgeting so that it is easier to make giving a priority.

We have to be intentional in our marriage.  We must be intentional in our careers, intentional in the way we spend our time, our moments.



Setting up stones of remembrance – this is my heart as a mother, as a wife, as a daughter and sister.  As a child of the Lord Most High.  Because someday I will look back and point my children and, hopefully, grandchildren to those stones…those moments.  And I will be able to tell them, “Look.  Look what the Lord Most High did for you.”


Tell me about it boys


Last night, Lee and I assumed our positions on the couch the jar of Nutella between us for a little relaxation in front of the television.  Since LOST went off the air, we just haven’t been able to get into another show.  We liked Glee for a little while, until it became an over-sexed after school special and we gave up on it.  I was into Grey’s Anatomy until it turned into a political commentary on all the hot button topics so I gave up on that one too.

It’s hard to find good TV…

So most of our television watching these days consists of channel surfing.  We do this for 20 minutes, get frustrated, flip off the TV then pile up in bed with our copies of FRIENDS, which we got for Christmas.  Now that was good TV!

Last night, however, we missed out on watching FRIENDS because Lee ended on the Syfy channel where Star Trek XXVVVII was playing.  I have to confess, I don’t get Star Trek.  I have never understood the fascination with it.  It’s campy and corny and the acting is bad and… Apparently I don’t have enough testosterone to get it.

So can someone explain it to me?  Because when I asked Lee to explain the fascination, his eyes widened and he looked at me as though I was a Cling On (seriously, I don’t even know if I spelled that right…) Klingon.

“It’s just awesome,” he exclaimed, flinging his hands up for emphasis.  “It’s so cool.”


Why again?

I watched for a few minutes as Captain Kirk (James Tiberius – I learned that much from the two minutes I watched) and the doctor (don’t remember his name) were placed on trial by the Cling On’s Klingons for the assassination of the Great High Chancellor, which, of course, Kirk and WhatsHisFace did not commit.  They were, in fact, trying to save the man’s purple blooded life.

And then I learned that Kirk’s son was killed by a Cling On Klingon.  Just typing all that info, I felt my estrogen levels drop a bit…

But alas, I grew bored pretty quickly.  I did find it fascinating that Kim Catrall of Sex in the City notoriety was on the good guy’s ship (The Enterprise?  Is that Star Trek or Star Wars?).  That was all I found really, really interesting though.  So tell me about it boys.  What’s the fascination?

I don’t want to leave out the women who enjoy Star Trek, either, so if there are any of you who are heavier on the estrogen that still enjoy watching the show, fill me in.  Help me understand.

Because I just don’t get it.

Lee didn’t come to bed until after the movie ended last night.  I wanted to ask him how it all turned out in the end.  Were Kirk and WhatsHisFace put to death or were they ultimately proven innocent?  But I just didn’t really care all that much and I was really tired so I smiled and mumbled May the Force be with you.

And may it also be with you.

Deep thoughts…


*random pictures will be interspersed throughout this most random of posts.  Consider yourselves forewarned…

When I was a kid, I thought for sure the term “Jay Walker” meant someone who walked across the street naked.  I think that stream of thought stemmed from the phrase “Nekkid as a Jay Bird,” which, being from a good southern family, I heard frequently.  But I remember vividly being told once that I was jay walking and getting quite upset because I was fully dressed. 

Sadly, I think I was 11 or 12 before I learned what jay walking really meant. 

As we walked into church last night, Sloan walked outside the pedestrian walkway.  “Hey everybody – look at me!” he called.  “I’m a Jay Walker!”

I blushed.  Because for some reason when I hear that term I can’t get the image of a defiant streaker crossing the street out of my head.


Sadly, I am already over the great winter of 2011.  Highs of 20 with wind chills in the single digits?  Over it.  Snow and ice?  Over it.  Frostbite after walking from my car to the back door?  Over it.

Lee told me yesterday that he was convicted about his attitude toward winter.  Well that makes one of us.  I suppose I should try to have a better attitude about these frigid months.  I mean, it’s not like I can do anything about it.  It is what it is and I might as well find the silver lining so here it is:

The Clementines are amazing right now.  They are fresh and sweet and…

Ah, forget it.  Sorry, but I can’t find a single redeeming quality to winter.  Bah Humbug.



Today I will go to a music practice to prepare for an upcoming event that I’m singing at and I’m more than a little bit excited about it.  Every year our church puts on a Girl’s Formal for the senior high girls.  They provide beautiful dresses for the girls and have people come in to do their hair and make up.  After everyone is sufficiently pampered and Princess-ified, the senior high boys escort the girls into the activity center where they are served a meal by candlelight.  For the evening the girls are treated like royalty and are reminded that they are special and beautiful and cherished and loved.  It’s such a sweet event and its something I wish I could have attended back when I was an angsty teenager…

This year’s dinner theme is set in World War II so they asked for a live band to play some of the classic standards from greats like Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Frank Sinatra and so on…We will be singing songs like Ain’t Misbehaivin’, Blue Skies, Paper Moon and the ever amazing Georgia on my Mind.

Now I can’t skat like Queen Ella – I don’t even think I’ll try so as not to embarrass myself.  I’m supposed to be background music, not the elephant in the room.  But other than that, putting these songs together has been a dream come true and the fact that I get to sing them at such a unique event is even more fun.


I need a tan.  I need the sun to kiss my cheeks and mask the bags under my eyes.

That is all.



We’re about a quarter of the way through our massive jar of heaven Nutella.  We are finding many wonderful uses for Nutella, but none of them compete with the classic snack: Nutella on plain, white bread.  I ate a slice at 10:00 last night.  I can’t say I feel great about that decision but whatever…I took up running, again, so it’s all good.


Okay, there’s really no justification for eating a chocolate covered piece of bread right before bed.


I’m off to face another frigid day.  I believe the high is supposed to be 24 today, which is better than yesterday’s high of 19.  See?  Look at me being all positive and finding the silver lining.

So much for global warming, eh?


The problem, you see…

Like everyone else in the country, my heart breaks at Saturday’s horrific shooting in Arizona.  There is no sense to be made of six deaths.  There is no sense to be made of the gunman’s frame of mind.  There is, of course, plenty to debate, but in the end, no sense can be made of it.

I understand the need for dialogue.  It is only natural to want to disect and pull apart the layers of what happened Saturday to find a reason.  Seeking blame gives momentary solace, I suppose.  But it doesn’t change that fact that there are parents in Arizona whose arms now ache with longing to feel the weight of their child.  There is a spouse whose ears strain for a sound of her husband’s voice.  There are children who watch the door that their father will no longer walk through.  Blame only gets us so far, you see.

There are families walking through fires that most of us will never know.  There are tears being shed that are more bitter than the majority of us will ever understand.  There is a depth of sorrow more harsh than most of us could possibly imagine.  There is anger and pain and heartache and yes, fury.  Answers are longed for, many of which will likely never be found.  We can point fingers and accuse this person of saying this and that person of saying that, but is it truly productive?

I vowed awhile back that I wouldn’t delve into politics on this blog again and, for the most part, I haven’t.  I don’t think one can avoid politics altogether, particularly as a parent.  Parenting is political.  Politics matter because they determine the forecast of the world laid before our little ones.  So politics is not to be ignored.

However, I’m not a political writer and I don’t like confrontation (makes my stomach get all fluttery) and politics are confrontational.  So I steer clear when I can and today is going to be no exception.  This post isn’t about politics.  It’s about respect.  The way I see it, our country doesn’t have a problem with political philosophies that are “hateful” so much as a problem with respect.

There’s a word we don’t hear enough, right?

There are crazy people in this world.  People who think it’s okay to buy a gun and open fire in a crowd.  People who think it’s okay to hurt another in the name of a cause – any cause.  People who think it’s okay to fly planes into buildings.  The list could go on and on.  You can’t characterize evil and hate by any one group, any one religion or any one political party.  And no religion, no political party, no one place or vicinity should be tainted as a whole because of a crazy person.  Evil is evil.  Hatred is hatred.  Trying to pass it off as anything else misses the mark.

Instead of pointing fingers at each other, slinging accusations and political barbs, perhaps we could instead examine the need for respectful dialogue.  You know, the kind without name calling and back-handed jabs.  And it would do us all good to remember the families in Arizona whose lives will never again be the same.  Is jaded arguing and combing through each political figures’ every word with a fine tooth comb getting us anywhere but further steeped in the same back and forth jabbering?

Joe stated it well when he wrote, “When an event like this happens, our natural instinct is to reach for labels that allow us to separate ourselves from the ones who committed the evil. At this moment it may be liberals blaming conservatives, but in other instances it’s Christians blaming Muslims, whites blaming blacks, the poor blaming the rich, etc. (or the other way around). If instead, our first instinct is to see the evil that lives inside ourselves we will recognize that our lines of demarcation collapse and the ones we seek to marginalize are actually our own flesh and blood.”

It’s not that I’m not angry.  I am.  I hate what happened in Arizona.  Every time I see a picture of Christina Green my heart breaks.  And it’s not that I don’t want answers.  I want to understand what would make someone do something so horrible.  I want a reason as much as anyone else for what he did.

But I’m not going to find it in a political ad from two years ago.  And I’m not going to find a reason for it by slinging accusations into the great, wide nothing using words like vitriol and rhetoric.  All I can do is control my emotions and my anger.  And I would like to see others do the same.  It’s okay to disagree.  It’s okay to dialogue.

I do think a lot of people are dialoguing well on this topic.  There are many healthy discussions going on.  Unfortunately, the conversations getting the most attention are the sensational dialogues.  I’m glad we’re talking.  I’m glad people are examining motives.  I just hope that we can be productive in doing so.






We know.


Alternately Titled: I’m Goin’ to the Spa Today!

That’s right.  I’m headed to the spa today to unleash my inner girl.  The one who likes to be pampered and waited upon.  Who wants ice cold water with cucumber slices delivered to her outstretched hand in a slender, cylinder glass.  The one who likes the smell of essential oils.  The one who gets downright giddy at the thought of a facial.

You do remember my post earlier in the week don’t youI know you are all reading my posts diligently each day…

After the spa, I’m going to a hotel where I plan to take a short nap.  Then eat a snack before going to a movie and heading back to the hotel where I plan to sleep blissfully all night without an alarm clock or coughing child to wake me.  From there I plan to meander through getting ready then head to the mall and endure some retail therapy before heading to a swanky dinner. 

Then it’s back to the hotel for a second nights sleep, another lazy morning and the cherry on top: High Tea at the Ritz.

And the best part?

I get to do all of this with my mom.  It’s a little girl’s getaway, only we aren’t going away.  We’re staying in town, which means no travel stress.  Just total relaxation.

My mom and dad leave this month for London where they will spend the next six months galavanting and schmoozing and seeing the world through rose colored glasses…

Okay, that might be a stretch.  Dad’s working in Epsom, about an hour outside of London and mom will be the rock by his side.  Or the wife who takes off on daily adventures whilst he slaves away, anyway.  The glasses may not be rose colored and I’m not sure if my parents know how to galavant, but I do think they’re pretty good a schmoozing.

Or are they good at galavanting and bad at schmoozing? 

At any rate, I am going to miss them.  So mom and I are having one last hurrah before she heads out to conquer the world.  And it couldn’t come at a better time given the fact that I’ve been nursing a sick, sick little boy all week.  Can someone explain to me how Whooping Cough makes it’s rounds in kids when they are vaccinated for it?  I don’t get it…

Yes, Landon appears to have the good old fashioned ‘Hoopin Cough.  We won’t have the official lab results back until Monday, but all of the symptoms say that’s what it is, so that’s how it’s being treated.  Thankfully he slept all night last night because the night before last he was up all. night. long.  It was miserable for everyone, but mostly for him, poor kid.

So mom and I will be out this weekend, acting girly, shopping for clothes.  I also plan to buy up a few essentials for Tia’s fifth birthday party.  An idea is forming in my head.  It involves lots of pink and polka dots and lollipops and mason jars and ribbons.  And tea.  Naturally.  And a group of giggly little girls.

It’s gonna be fun if I can pull it all off, of course.

So with that, I bid you all adeiu.  I’m off to be pampered.  The angels – They are A-singin’!

Wrestling with Daddy

It’s just too much fun…





Hi, My Name is Kelli…

And I’m addicted to skin care products. 

Hmmm…addicted makes it sound serious.  Perhaps I should just say I’m in love with skin care products.  But that makes my relationship with all things skin related sounds healthy.  You know what?  Let’s just not qualify it. 

Hi, my name is Kelli and I have a lot of skin care products.  So much so that my husband recently commented how ten years ago when we got married, had he known how much “stuff” girls put on their face, he would have required me to open and stock a seperate bank account just for all my “stuff.”

And incidentally, can we not call it “stuff?”  It’s heaven’s nectar.  It’s youth in a jar.  It’s what’s making sure that when I’m 50, I’m still going to look 30, baby!

To which Lee would reply, “Well that’s gonna stink for you because when I’m 50 I’m gonna look 50 so you’re gonna be stuck with an older man.”

Hmph.  I’m holding out hope for Zac Efron.  Or Ryan Reynolds…

I’m kidding!

*a little*

So.  What was I talking about?  Facial products!  I love them.  I would wash my face five times a day and put on a different moisturizer if I knew it was good for me.  But it’s not, so I settle for the more common twice a day washing.  Then I pull out my awaiting stash and breath in its lovely scent.  I have morning mositurizers with antioxidants.  I have a nighttime moisturizer with some kind of ingredient that’s supposed to keep me looking young.  Plus, I think it wards off vampires.

I have masks, my newest being a Vitamin C peel and it’s A-to the-MAZING.  It might be my new favorite.  I love how my skin feels when it’s been scrubbed and slathered.  I feel refreshed and awake and ready to conquer the day.

Okay, I think it’s safe to say I’m an addict.

Here are a few of my favorite products.  You know, just for fun…

Arbonne NutrimenC – I order a full set almost once a year (at a discounted price) and it usually lasts me a whole year, which is why I feel no guilt.  NONE.  Why would one feel guilty about wonderful, glorious face products?

Neutrogena – This lotion smells amazing, has antioxidants in it – which, I don’t really know what that means but it sounds like it’s really good for you – and has spf 15 to keep the sun’s rays at bay, but not out completely because who doesn’t look better with a tan, right?

Philosophy: When Hope is not enough – This is my new vitamin C peel.  Actually it’s called a Microdelivery Peel.  Doesn’t that just sound amazing?!  Seriously, this stuff is spectacular.  I love it.  Love it, love it, love it.  This may be an unhealthy love… 

Hugo Naturals – I was recently introduced to this product line for the kids.  Particularly Landon who has got some pretty nasty exzema issues.  As in the pediatrician told me, “His skin is going to be your job.”  Lucky for Landon, I LOVE SKIN.  Their products are 100% natural and organic.  They’re gentle on his skin and the lotions are amazing.  I also got a couple of the sugar scrubs and body butters for me and Sweet mercy!  I’ve found a new love.  You can find these at Whole Foods and I highly recommend them, especially if you have kiddos with problem skin…Or if you are addicted to skin care products.

Wexler MMPi: I don’t know what is in this stuff but it makes my skin feel as soft as the day I was born.  Or as soft as I imagine my skin was the day I was born.  It’s a jar full of magic made by fairies at the base of rainbows.  Hint: You can get it at Bath and Body Works on special several times/year. 

This is not, of course, an extensive list of my facial loves.  You don’t even want to get me started on eye cream, or on the When Hope is not Enough oil I got for Christmas that makes me feel like I’ve been swimming with the gods.  If I believed in ‘the gods’ of course…

Is there a 12 Step program for this sort of thing?

Never mind.  Don’t answer that.  I don’t want to give it up…

So with that, I’m going to hop out of bed and scrub my face.  The excitement I got from writing that last sentence is almost embarrassing.  Except, I LOVE TO WASH MY FACE! 

If any of you have skin care tips or products you love, do share.  Because clearly I’m a junkie who needs more. 

*Incidentally, I was not paid or asked to write about any of these products.  I share my skin care secrets out of the goodness of my heart.  You are SO welcome.