You guys, I want to write but I simply can’t seem to get my words organized. I’m completely scattered, my brain is a jumbled mess. My washing machine broke, my house is a mess, my stomach hurts all the time and I’m more exhausted than I’ve ever been.
You’ll forgive me if the next week’s posts are a little scattered?
Since pictures are worth 1,000 words anyway, I might as well just share those.
I’ll tell stories later.
Like the one about the time we went to Disney World and it was less than magical, but there were magical moments, and we’re choosing to remember those.
Or the morning I blubbered in church like a wee little babe, while on stage…Singing…In Russian…
Or maybe I’ll tell you about the night that precious friends came over and celebrated “K’s” 18th birthday with us ten days early, since she won’t be with us on her real birthday.
It was her first ever birthday party.
I could tell you about the conflicting emotions in my head and heart – about how part of me is so terribly sad to see her go, and the other part of me longs for the return of a “normal” routine. I could tell you that I know that both of these feelings are natural, and there’s nothing wrong with either feeling, but that each time I find myself looking forward to having my house back, I feel a twinge of guilt for the thought.
There are stories to tell, and stories to keep to myself. But for now, there are plenty of pictures to share.
Happy Monday.

One of our favorite experiences at the Zoo when a friend took us behind the scenes and let us play with this fella.

Perhaps my new favorite photo of all time. Tia and a rather surly Llama had a moment. It was a bit of a stand off – two attitudes colliding. The Llama won by lunging and sending her scampering away with a yelp. 🙂 Also – I’m jealous of my daughter’s arms…
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