On Wednesday, after yet another fitful night’s sleep, I forced myself out of bed, threw on my running shoes and pushed myself out the door before I had time to consider the ramifications of my actions. I started running before my not-totally-alert brain could convince me otherwise. I was about a quarter mile in when […]
[Continue reading...]If I Say it Enough?
When my life looks like this: And this: And this: One of many scratches down the side from wayward bikes. And especially this: Then I have to remind myself of this: You think if I keep saying it, I’ll start to believe it? […]
[Continue reading...]When life gives you lemons…wear heels
Things that make you go “Hmmmm….”
There are certain phenomena occuring within my home that I don’t understand. Maybe you can help me figure it out. I mean…seriously. Seeeeeriously… I just don’t get it. I would also like to share my two favorite quotes of the weekend: Tia and Landon coming to me at 8:30 in the morning with […]
[Continue reading...]The really important stuff
Join me today over at Together in 10 as we discuss really, really important stuff…namely, how a Little Black Dress will save date night every single time. I mean, really. That last statement simply screams for a winky face, wouldn’t you agree? 😉 Happy, Happy Weekend Everyone!
[Continue reading...]How do you mourn a dying dream?
Note: I wrote this post this morning, published it and immediately took it down. I’ve floundered all day about whether or not I should share it, or simply pack it away. Maybe I’m oversharing. Maybe I’m talking too much about adoption stuff. When’s it gonna get funny around here again?! C’mon, lady! Talk more about […]
[Continue reading...]Hide Yo Kidz. Hide Yo Wife.
Let’s lighten things up around here a bit and discuss roaches, shall we? Let’s dicuss roaches and HOW I FIND THEM ALL THE FREAK AROUND MY BEDROOM AND BATHROOM! That’s sounds like fun, doesn’t it? Join me in my horror. It’s super duper over here. Remember when we lived in St. Louis and we had […]
[Continue reading...]Isn’t She Lovely?
I Dare You to Follow Along
Let’s talk about something happy today, shall we? Let’s explore a dream that is actually coming true for one of my favorite families on the planet. When we moved to Tampa a year and a half ago, we got an email from my aunt and uncle who live in Orlando encouraging us to reach out […]
[Continue reading...]Not Impressed
I’d like to go on record with saying that I am so far entirely unimpressed with the year 2013. Really, I’d be fine if we skipped it. Like an old hotel, I’d like to move straight from floor 12 to floor 14. Bell hop? Anyone? It’s been a rough few days and I have the […]
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