31 Days to Becoming an Author: Creating a Space to Create


UPDATE: When I set out to write this series of posts, I NEVER imagined it would be as popular as it has become. But in the almost year since I published this series, it’s gotten consistent traffic, and remains my highest trafficked post via Pinterest to date. So…


I have decided to publish this series as an ebook. 30 Days to Becoming a Writer will release on Amazon on August 25, 2014. 

Click here to purchase your copy today!



No, that’s not a typo – The book is a 30 Day Guide, not 31 Day Guide. I condensed the material into readable chapters, and organized it in a way that gives readers a comprehensive guide to writing and publishing in an easily digestible format. 


I will be removing the posts from this space in an effort to preserve the integrity of the book, but as soon as the book goes live, I will include the link where you can purchase these posts for your online library.


My hope and desire it that people will be inspired to continue to create, to write, and ultimately, to author the words that float in their heads and hearts. I’m so honored to have you all on this journey with me. I hope that you will benefit in your career as a writer from the tips offered in 30 Days to Becoming an Author. For more information on the book, and for more Pinterest-worthy images to promote it, go to KelliStuart.com.


Thanks for taking this journey with me!




  1. Spot on! I’ve long known I can’t focus to do anything at all, let alone create, when I am surrounded by a mess. It’s like clutter gives me a spontaneous attack of ADD. but a few months ago a friend who is a web designer and full-time RVer was telling us about how they spent a long stretch in a campground that was super-cheap and the aesthetics of the sites reflected that. He felt it was worth spending more money at another campground to get somewhere prettier because he could then work better, and in turn the aesthetics of HIS sites he was designing reflected that. I know another full-time family who spent weeks remodeling their rig to be GORGEOUS inside because they are wedding photographers and needed lovely surroundings while they edit.

    P. S. That chair with the flowery print is about four shades of awesome with happy sauce on top.

    • Oh yes, it is. It most DEFINITELY is.

      I love your comment, Jenni, because it proves that even when you’re spending a year in a RV, there are things you can do to inspire creativity. It’s up to us to pull together the space we need to create – even if that space is parking in the great outdoors! 🙂

  2. I can totally write surrounded by mess. Otherwise I’d never create. :}

    That said, I did just clear the desk under my bed (I sleep with my husband in a double-loft bed. In my living room). We live in a 1000 sq.ft. cabin, and the kids have the bedrooms (since we stay up later than they do).

    That said, to answer your question, under-the-bed is my office, and a great use of our limited space. I have a desk the length of the bed, a full bookcase at my right hand (short enough to fit under the bed with me), and special things (like a teddy bear I made at 17 and my favorite childhood doll) that share the space with me.

    In addition (this is the BIG DEAL), my husband installed a two-tube florescent light fixture over the desk (under the bed) and fitted it with full-spectrum light bulbs. That means I work (all my computer/writing time) the regulation 8-inches away from my “happy light.”

    This is one thing that makes my writing space so special: My husband taking care of me, and me taking care of me. SAD is a real thing in my world. It has been a tremendous encouragement to have this set-up.


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