The two year old has morphed into a two year old seemingly overnight. Where he once was compliant and sweet natured, he is now often beligerant and feisty. He is experiencing discipline to its fullness here lately, including his first ever time out.
Wordless Wednesday: The Time Out
April 7, 2010 by

What a cute little guy … love the photos.
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hahahaha!!! Wow, thisis super funny. We had a good laugh in the office about this one! 🙂
I think we have the same couch! 🙂
I think he’s like, “mommy get that camera out of my face, or you’ll really have something to take a picture of :).
Melissa – I think you’re right. That’s why the pics are a little blurry. I was staying as far away as I could and had the camera zoomed all the way in. And I was laughing a little. Totally effective parenting, by the way.
I’m impressed that it took that long for him to get a time out! Chase has long since passed that milestone!
LOL- what was the offense?
Joyce – It was telling mommy “No” and refusing to come inside when told. That’s his new thing. Defiance. Aaaaawesssoooome. 🙂
Landon IS cute and looks so much like your Dad!