Photographic evidence that gymnastics was a good idea

Yesterday, I looked out the window and caught Tia like this:

Summer '09 177

Summer '09 178


So today, I took her here:

Summer '09 179

To do stuff like this:

Summer '09 181

I spent many years coaching gymnastics at the competitive level in a gym that has produced two Olympians.  I don’t have high aspirations for my child to become an Olympic gymnast, primarily because I’m pretty she’ll outgrow most Olympians by the time she’s in 4th grade. 

But for now?  Gymnastics is a great outlet for her unending energy and her constant desire to climb up, flip over and jump off of anything she sees.  I’d sign her up everyday if I could afford it. She had a blast.

I’m off for a few days dear internets.  I’m headed to Texas for a little R & R with some dear friends.  Enjoy your weekends.  Hug your babies tomorrow and if you see someone in the armed forces, let them know that you appreciate them for their service to our country.

We have not forgotten!


  1. Love your blog, Kelli! Just wanted to tell you that. 🙂 I read it often, and I enjoy myself every time! Keep it up, girl.

  2. Looks like Tia really enjoyed herself, where did you take her? Have fun in Texas I swear girl you are never home! 🙂

  3. Heather,
    Thanks! It’s always fun to hear from new readers. Julie, we took her to HiNRG Gymnastix in the valley. It’s a great little gym. Very sweet people. They have a mommy and me class for the little ones on Thursday am. I’m thinking about signing me and Landon up if you’re interested. You know, when your arm is no longer strpped to your waist 🙂

  4. First of all, I am celebrating with you on Sloan’s redemption! I cried when I read it yesterday! Second, you have a monkey and that scares me! I am glad you went ahead with gymnastics…I know she will love it!
    Third, have a very fabulous girl’s weekend! You deserve a break!
    love ya

  5. She is such a doll in her little gym outfit! Wouldn’t it be great if all that kind of fun stuff for the kids was cheap, so they could explore many different things:) Have fun this weekend!

  6. Too fun! I’m sure this will lead to many more blog posts! Have fun in Tehas….

  7. holy cow, she’s a monkey! she looks so cute in her leotard, i love little girls in leotards! have a fun weekend!

  8. What, I am confused what are you talking about my arm being strapped to my waist? Help me out here!

  9. I have one of those! My youngest son was the child climbing at the playground. On top of the equipment. I got used to it, but other parents would either hyperventilate or give me dirty looks for endangering my child/teaching theirs bad stuff.
    Some kids are just born this way, I’ve decided.
    How else can you explain the X-games?

  10. Julie – Sorry! I have another Julie friend who just had shoulder surgery and I thought it was her commenting. yeah.


  1. […] of course, there was this post which described the catalyst for us actually signing her up for a gymnastics […]