We are home from a bang up time at Disney World. Turns out it truly is the most magical place on Earth. No one does fun like Disney.
Unfortunately, we brought home a sick little girl, so today it is lots of laying on the couch, watching Disney Princess movies and trying to recuperate. There are more pics to post later, but for now I thought I’d share with you the one thing I found less than magical at Disney World. Just…wait for it…
For. Real.
I found this costume wildly creepy in a hilarious sort of way…
It was the only thing in three days that I questioned. Everything else truly was magical and amazing and I will carry the sweet memories with me forever.
But for now, I’m off to administer more medication, wash germ filled sheets, walk a jittery dog and try to figure out what in the world to make for dinner. My kids ate like Buddy the Elf all weekend. Suger, Syrup, Candy Canes and Candy. The was basically it.
No lie – Friday night they ate Cotton Candy, Cinnamon Rolls and Ice Cream for dinner. That either makes me Mom of the Year, or the worse Mom ever. I’ll let you know after we visit the dentist.
Bye friends!
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