You need to come home. Look what’s happening to your son…
Per Request

Sloan Saga, Part One
So, this morning, Sloan completed what I can only imagine is a rite of passage for all kids…He cut his own hair. He came in the room, all smiles, saying he needed a haricut and took care of it himself. At first, I thought he was joking, until I saw a large chunk of hair on his shoulder. Sloan’s got longer hair so I didn’t think it would be too obvious. Then I noticed a larger chunk of hair in the hood of his sweatshirt. Upon closer examination, I noticed that he now has a very short crew cut right on the side of his head. Luckily, it’s not too noticable, uness you happen to be standing on that side! Sheesh. Oh well. I remember vividly cutting my own hair as a kid – I was probably close to Sloan’s age. I still remember looking in the mirror and thinking that my mom would be so proud of me as I snipped my bangs off. I also remember how surprised I was when I told her and her face did not register pride, but rather horror and rage. What goes around comes around, huh?

Tia Tales, Part One
Warning…The story I am about to post is gross…really, really gross.
So it was a fairly nice day today – chilly, but the sun was out, so I decided to take the kids on a walk. I got Tia all dressed and ready and sent her outside while I bundled Landon up and put him in the Baby Bjorn. When I came out, Tia was chewing on something and looking at me with that guilty look, which is never a good sign.
Assuming she was eating a piece of dog food (something she is prone to doing), I asked her to spit it out in my hand. When she did, I almost threw up. It was not a piece of dog food, but was, in fact, Landon’s umbilical cord, which must have fallen out of the garbage can.
Ewwwww…I am gagging even typing this out. Sometimes I wonder how children survive childhood!

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