Thanksgiving week started out like this in our house. A shattered back window thanks to a wayward baseball sent us crashing (pun intended) into the holiday season with a tiny bit of shock, and a good amount of laughter.
If you ever need a chance to work on not sweating the small stuff, have your five year old throw a baseball through the car. Works like a charm.
My first thought upon walking outside and seeing the damage was horror. I couldn’t help wonder how much this was going to cost, and as we head into Christmas, unexpected broken windows were not high on my list of “things to throw money at.” As I stood in the driveway, mouth agape, Landon walked up to me, his eyes wide and horrified.
I looked down at him and he broke. “I DID IT!” he wailed. “IT’S ALL MY FAULT!!”
And just like that I realized the window didn’t matter – his fragile five year old heart did. I scooped him up and set him on the back of Lee’s car and hugged hard and tight letting him know that car windows are meaningless and easily repaired. I communicated as much love and forgiveness as I could in that one tight hug, because he needed to feel it. He needed to know that a silly accident would never affect my love for him.
As Lee swept up the broken glass, I comforted my distraught child who felt a world of guilt on his tiny little shoulders, and I was reminded, once again, that my reaction as a mom to these types of accidents has the potential to make or break my children. This is the place where they need to know that they can mess up – they can break windows, kick holes in the wall, knock plates off the table, and stain the carpet, and never be far removed from a hug and the assurance of love.
As we swept up the glass, we showered him with grace. It was an accident. It’s no big deal. We have insurance. All is well. And slowly, we pieced him back together and made him a little more whole.
By the end of the day, the insurance company had come out and replaced the glass at no charge, and the only thing lost was my favorite STL Cardinals sticker. And this one incident sent us into Thanksgiving with grateful, thankful hearts. Thankful for grace, and love and forgiveness. Thankful for a God who lavishes grace on us when we make mistakes, when we accidentally make a mess. Thankful for family and life and children who are healthy enough to throw a ball through a window.
I am so thankful for grace, when it is shown to me, and when I have the wherewithal to slow down and show it. Oddly enough, that broken window set us up for a weekend full of gratitude. Had Landon not shattered that glass, I’m not sure my eyes would have been quite as open to the beauty of a Thanksgiving weekend filled with laughter, with visitors, and with enough grace to cover a lifetime.
I will forever be grateful for that broken window, and for the boy who continually teaches me to love graciously, wholly and fiercely.
More scenes from Thanksgiving:

My aunt and uncle have done missionary work in Jamaica for years. Red is their Jamaican “son,” and he fit right in with our crazy crowd.

The whole crew. 32 family members, plus 5 of our dear friends from St. Louis who recently moved to Boca Raton. How can I not be thankful for this?!
So tell me, friends – How was your Thanksgiving?!
When I was a senior in high school, I backed out of our driveway and hit a (rather large blue) van coming down the alley one morning. My Dad came out and helped me manage my first accident, swapping insurance info, and then my mom offered me a glass bottled Dr Pepper. We sat on the couch and laughed and hugged. Seriously, it is a moment of grace that I don’t ever forget. Even typing it brings tears to my eyes. Grateful for parents like you and like mine who show us grace–it makes a world of difference.
Way to go, Mom. You’re doing great!
Thanks, Shay! My initial reaction is not always graceful. I’m so glad I managed to stay chill in that moment. 🙂
This is the sort of thing I hope to get better at in the coming years.
Now, so much to love in those photos. Lee, hand mixer at the ready, about to do something totally unconventional to that turkey. And again, the kickball game. If you had snapped a split second sooner when his right hand was elsewhere I suspect that photo would have needed editing before you could post it.
Hahaha! Hilarious, Jenni. Although the picture of Lee and the turkey has him holding an electric carving knife. He was only carving the turkey…no funny business. 🙂
Well done, Kelli! Thanks for sharing! Love and miss you all! It looks like you had a wonderful and fun Thanksgiving! We did too!
So glad! Miss you guys too, Carol!!! 🙂