The Date

Lee has the day off so we are taking advantage of cooler temps and an overcast day to go to Busch Gardens.


Just me and him.


We’re going to ride all the fun roller coasters that we haven’t been able to ride because we’ve always had the kids with us.


This is an unexpected and lovely treat leading us into our weekend. A date. During the day.


I’m not excited or anything…

What’s the most fun or creative date you’ve ever been on?


  1. Sounds WONDERFUL and oh so fun!

  2. Unfortunately…Mr. MimiandButterbean doesn’t believe in getting too crazy…so it gets no more exotic than a Holiday Inn around here.

    But I ain’t complainin’. Nooooooo ma’am. Just because SOME of us get to traipse around Busch Gardens looking like the cover of Southern Comfort Living…I am in NO WAY envious or jealous.

    Not. One. Bit.

  3. We spent 30 years with kids and had not had a vacation alone in that whole time so for our 31st we went away ALONE. With no particular place to go, just drive and see what we could see. We saw the Pennsylvania Grand Canyon (it does exist), Niagara Falls, the Corning Glass museum. Stayed in Ogunquit Maine and got a tour of the oldest operating brewery in the US, Yuengling, in PA. Along with stopping at anything that interested us along the way. The only way that the kids knew where we were was by clues that we posted on Facebook. It was great.

  4. What an amazing date! 🙂 For most creative, the first date that came to mind was one Andy got somewhere online. He took me to a local store, and we each had $20-$25 to spend on one another. We had to shop separately (and sneakily avoid the other person in the aisles… Not as easy as it may seem)… LOL! I still have the teddy bear he bought me as part of his shopping extraviganza, and he loves his wallet! 🙂