The Migraine

No post today. I’m recovering from a wicked headache that’s left me feeling sluggish, tired and a fuzzy-brained. So for fun I give you the video Lee and I made last year.

We are such dorks.

Happy Monday, everyone!


  1. Sorry chica! Hope you can put yourself to bed early tonight. That is a sure cure for me…that and a hot bath, and a glass of wine. 😀

    • Thanks, Tiff. Unfortunately, my master bathtub is horrible so no bath…Ah well – sleep is a definite tonight. I am exhausted. 🙂

  2. Sorry for your headache. Must be in the air….have been battling one in AL too! YUCK!

    Congrats on being included in the new book by Wes Stafford! AWESOME!!!!!