Potty Training 103

I’m not one to talk about all things potty on my blog.  It isn’t my schtick.  So you will not be getting all the gory details of Landon’s potty training, as diappointing as I’m sure that is to all of you.

Actually, things have been going as well as they could be around here.  We’ve had plenty of accidents and when I say plenty I mean I’ve got six pairs of soiled underwear sitting in the basement waiting to be washed today.  But we’re also having plenty of successes too. 

The issue with child number three is the mobility of our lives.  When I was enduring this conquering this with Sloan, we stayed home for a week.  We did not leave the house.  It was like house arrest…with leaking bodily waste.  But we got the job done and after seven days it was over.

The second time around proved a bit more challenging thanks to an active four years old and a newborn in the house.  There were many more accidents, but ultimately, we survived.

The third time around is almost feeling like an impossibility.  He is having to be trained in Pull Ups most of the time, which is not overly effective in my opinion.  But he really doesn’t like the picture on the front to disappear so that works in our advantage quite a bit.  So far we’ve only had one major accident in public and that was yesterday at Walmart.  Thankfully we made it out of the store before the dam broke. 

He told me he had to go, then changed his mind and said he didn’t have to go.  And I believed him. Sheesh.  It’s like I’ve never done this before.  Mom fail.

Otherwise we’re doing alright in public.  And at home.  Thankfully we are planning on getting new carpet soon so I’m not overly concerned when accidents happen on the floor.  In fact, I’m kind of glad because I figure it will speed up the much needed process.

And speak of the devil, he just said he needs to go potty.  Excuse me while I go fulfill my motherly duty and get up close and personal with my child.  No one ever said motherhood was boring, right?


  1. No, no, motherhood isn’t boring at all. A lot of words can describe it, but not the word “boring”. Good luck in potty training. We also have accidents with “pee”, but not with “poop”. The kids will cope with their first huge task of responsibility.

  2. I always learn so much from you Kel! I never thought about all that stuff before. With Cooper, we did the same house arrest policy. But with Chase, that might be a little more interesting. And then when another comes along, WHEW! Thanks for helping the rest of us think about this kind of stuff…and good luck!

  3. aw shoot, that was me, not Jeremy that wrote that comment…stinkin’ cookies

  4. Hehehe…I’m so glad I can be the guinea pig. And good luck to you! 🙂

  5. aww man…I hadn’t even thought about how that would make potty training C so much harder. ugh. pull-up pottytraining has never been successful at the Broome house…I guess the good thing is that by # 3 you’ve got nothing to prove…there’s no shame in your 3 year old still wearing diapers:)