After selling much of my childhood and pieces of my parents souls on Craig’s List, I finally made enough money to purchse the one thing I’ve desired for awhile now. A good camera.
My parents are moving from their home of 13 years into a small condo. It’s a good thing. It’s the right decision. But it means getting rid of many of the items that I grew up with. Furniture and decorations that have graced the houses of my parents different homes for most of my life. It’s hard – not as hard for me since I have been living on my own for a long time – but definately hard for them.
My mom was sweet enough to let me post and sell her stuff and, as a reward, split the money she made fifty-fifty. And thus my brand, spanking new camera. My magic camera that actually takes the pictures I want it to take. And I’ve had a good time taking said pictures this weekend.
Yesterday we went to my parents house for one last holiday meal. And we all tried to keep it light when discussing their move, because if we started talking too seriously, the tears would begin to flow. So we laughed and joked, but inside we were all feeling a bit sentimental. Change is never easy, even if it’s necessary.
Despite the emotions, however, we had a wonderful day. The weather was perfect, the kids were well behaved and I was able to document it all just the way I wanted to…
Here is a little collage of our Easter Sunday:
Click on the image to see a larger view.
And, of course, here are a few more pictures from the weekend. The camera has been practically attached to my hand…

Blurred background! That was the one thing I wanted in a camera - the ability to actually focus on what I wanted to focus on.

We had a crazy week with several nights of late bedtimes. Which means Landon did a lot of this Saturday morning when we went to Forest Park.
We’re going to the Zoo today so look forward to more pictures tomorrow!
Today’s post for STL Family Life is up. Go check it out and let me know what you think!
Congrats on the camera! I have used film SLR cameras my whole life, but when I went on a trip to India about 5 years ago, I was seduced by the convenience of a digital point and shoot and almost exclusively used that.
When I FINALLY bought a digital SLR a couple of years ago, the first pictures out of it just about made me weep for joy. It’s been an appendage ever since. In fact, I basically have my “to go” bag which consists of the SLR with external flash, long and short zoom lenses, my iPod, and my Nintendo DS. I’m ready for anything with that set up! 🙂
I feel for you on the selling of your childhood. I know that will totally kill me. I’m definitely one of those people that attaches meaning and memories to objects. If I was a compulsive shopper, I’d be a hoarder. Fortunately, I find it EASY not to buy things, but hard to let them go.
Congrats on the new camera.
Kelli! I love your camera!!! My goal is to buy one like that! but oh how I love yours!!
Ok, between you and McGill, I am dying with all your gorgeous pics! Jeremy even said to me today that we are having a garage sale when he comes home with the sole purpose of “raising” enough money for a fancy schmancy camera! Hope you don’t mind if we copy cat ya!
A good camera is a dream. I’m glad you have got one to stop sweet moments of life.