It’s Been One of Those Days…

It’s a busy week. It just is. And today kicks off an extremely busy weekend. I started the day off with an adjustment by a chiropractor because I’m going on almost two weeks with limited mobility in my neck and shoulders. I’m not sure what I did, but whatever it was, it’s left me a bit like Frankenstein as I have to move my whole body in order to look side to side or up and down.

So I did that.  Then I headed to drop Tia off at gymanstics, noticing on the way that I had no gas.  My Distance to Empty button was ticking down the miles as I raced to get her there in time.  I coasted up to the gas station on fumes, then headed to a party store to purchase cups for tonight’s Christmas musical.

I finally found the much needed cups and went to pay only to discover that I was missing my license.  Apparently some two year old took it out of my wallet yesterday when he was playing with it.  And because I had nothing else with a picture ID on it (and no cash – who carries cash?!) they wouldn’t let me purchase the cups.  Never mind that I completely emptied my wallet and showed them all manner of identification, they refused to let me pay by credit card or check.

I left very annoyed.  I mean, I get it – you have to be safe, but come on!  It’s 16 degrees out and I have a toddler with me!  Show a little bit of compassion.  I even offered to call my husband and have him verify my identification.  But they still refused.  I’m not going back to that store.

So in the car on the way home from gymnastics, I had to call the person who asked me to buy the cups and leave a message explaining that I was unable to get them.  And while I tried to talk, Tia and Landon were yelling in the background.

I was already frustrated and this frustrated me more.

So I overreacted, which necessitated an apology to my children when we returned home.

Then I went to make lunch and realized that while we have a lot of food in the house, very little of it is quick and easy to prepare (remember, we’re trying to overhaul the eating habits here) which means I had to come up with something fairly easy and healthy that my kids would still eat.

I failed.  They did not like the tuna fish, crackers and cheese I fed them – well, Sloan did, but the other two were not impressed.  They ate crackers and a piece of our ginger bread house for lunch.

Now it’s time for naps, then russian school, then opening night of the Christmas musical.  And I may still have to swing by another party store to buy cups.  At some point I need to fit in a shower as well.  *I may be starting to hyperventilate a little here*

It’s just going to be one of those days…


  1. You can do it!! All moms are superwoman didn’t ya hear??

  2. Break a leg tonight! sure wish we could see it, we will be watching my nephew perform in his school play!

  3. This blog has worn me out completely. How well I remember times like these. My favorite Bible verse for these days (weeks): “This, too, shall pass!” Wish I could be there to lighten the load.
    Love you guys!

  4. Oh my – you sound like I feel! But I don’t have a musical to squeeze in there! Hang in there, it will only last a few more days and the neck thing is probably stress. Hopefully your dr fixed you right up.

  5. girl…you just made me hyperventilate too!