Well, I did it. I hosted the biggest birthday party EVER! Seriously, I’m still getting the hang of these party things. I think next year will be much smaller, and Chuck E Cheese will host. All in all, though, things went well. No major injuries, only a few tears, and a lot of fun! At least for the kids. I think they all had fun. They seemed to. I had fun too, but not in a “Woohoo this is so great wish I could do this every day,” way. More in a, “Man I’m so glad my son is having a blast at his birthday party even though I’m enormously overwhelmed and dog tired,” way. It was sweet to watch Sloan get so excited and have so much fun with all his friends. We have great friends. God has really blessed us. Sloan got a bunch of super fun presents that will excite him for about three days, at which point he’ll likely return to wallowing in boredom. But those three days will be bliss. Aaaanyhoo. Tomorrow is Ballwin Days, Sunday we have another birthday party, Monday is packing day and Tuesday we head to Florida. I can’t believe it’s already here! Oh, and the cake, though not a work of art, was indeed delicious. Thank you Betty Crocker – the world is truly a better place thanks to you!
hey webmd, thanks for the water comment, i’ll try anything at this point!
i’m lovin’ the kid in the picture who’s goin’ for the gold-classic!!!
and seriously, you guys need to move to ark. i’d love some consistent hang out time with you, you are such a hoot!
Happy birthday, Sloan buddy! We love you and wish we were going on that plane with you to Florida! Have fun for us, dude! Wish we could have come to the cool party!
Love, Cade, Eli and Sammy Whoo-Whoo
just looking at it makes me tired babe, you go girl! hope you are having fun in florida.
tiff for us nevil folks