Choose courage over safety, chance over predictability.
There’s freedom when you fly.
Happy Saturday.
This is the sixth post in my 31 Day Series on embracing confidence and living boldly. For more 31 Day posts, click here.
Say It Enough, You'll Start to Believe It
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Choose courage over safety, chance over predictability.
Happy Saturday.
This is the sixth post in my 31 Day Series on embracing confidence and living boldly. For more 31 Day posts, click here.
This morning I woke up and checked Facebook. My uncle had posted this as his status, an excerpt from my cousin Sean’s amazing book, People Who Sing Jesus. I told you all about the book here. Have you read it yet? You should. It’s amazing…
People who sing Jesus understand that before they can do anything for God there is the humbling realization that God says about each of them: “I made you and I love you. You have no idea the great thoughts I have about you.” The essence of the first commandment is the ultimate expression of the Divine declaring intimacy with humanity. No matter your faith tradition, before any person can actually do or not do something for the Creator, there is the matter of God’s real presence making the first call. Anything we do for God is a response to Divine action and initiative. The focus is not on human activity but on the enduring work of the gospel that the Holy Spirit initiates in every time zone, zip code, and culture of the world, including each of our lives. We take action inspired by the Creator who took original action pre-genesis.
Sean Cooper – People Who Sing Jesus
I was created to be a writer. I was created to be a wife to my husband. I was created to parent these three amazing children. I was created with a love for people. I was created with stories to tell. I was created to one day adopt.
I was created to love Nutella!
I was created with so much purpose.
I do all of these things out of response to the Creator who knit them inside me from the beginning of time. I was created to sing His praises. I was created to love and be loved.
So knowing these things, why wouldn’t I walk forward in complete confidence?
The Nester has challenged all of us to take 31 Days and write about one topic. This is part of my series of embracing who I was created to be and walking in full confidence.
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