The proverbial “they” say that on average women speak roughly 20,000-25,000 words per day while men speak anywhere from 8,000-12,000 per day.
Thus the importance for women to have good girl friends. Our husbands – they’re great. But, you know, we ladies need to have time to talk incessantly without the recipient of our conversation glazing over and slipping into a coma.
Thus the reason I love “rendezvous” weekends with my college girlfriends. I am blessed beyond measure to have friendships with ladies who are likeminded, funny, fashionable (they helped me out with my wardrobe this weekend) and who, no matter how long or how far apart we’ve been, can always fall right back into the same fun, loving friendship that dominated our years at Baylor.
I am positive that we fulfilled our daily talking quotient this weekend and we likely banked a few hundred thousand words. We talked from morning to the wee hours of the night, fully enjoying one another’s company. It felt as if time hadn’t passed by at all.
Never mind that between the five of us, we have 14 children. FOURTEEN. That actually gives us more to talk about! Yeah! I’ve known these women since I was 18. We shared so many dreams and hopes back in our college days and it’s so fun to see many of those dreams and hopes being realized and lived out daily. These relationships are unique and special and I wouldn’t trade them for the world.

Jillian, we missed you so much. There was a piece of our group noticably missing. Hopefully it will work out next year...
Upon returning home from my lovely weekend of movies, pedicures, massages, shopping and talking, I had a minor panic attack at all that needed to be accomplished in my sweet little home. First off, apparently the house threw up while I was gone. So, you know, I’ve got to deal with that.
Secondly, Tia started preschool yesterday and since I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t leave everything until the last minute, I was up half the night Sunday night searching for all the forms and information that I needed to give the school so she could officially start.
But doesn’t she look precious?
I’m finally able to sit down and do a bit of writing today and that’s a good thing because I am behind on several projects.
So today I will be hunkering down, trying to piece the house back together and tap, tap, tapping away on my trusty computer in the hopes of making a dent in the long To-Do list sitting on my desk.
Put up a post on my blog? Check!
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