Is It Bad? Part Four

It’s time for another installment of Is It Bad? The series where I attempt to make myself feel better for the fallicies in my parenting and my life.  It doesn’t really work, but it does make me laugh at myself and laughter keeps the world goin’ ’round, right?  Or is it love? 

Whatever it is – I hope you enjoy.

-Is it bad that I enjoyed every single moment of my trip alone last week?  I mean, I missed my kids, but I reeeaaally enjoyed waking up on my own, going to the bathroom alone and eating sitting down for seven whole days.  Is that bad?

-Is it bad that I was over the news about Michael Jackson’s death about ten minutes after I heard it?  Is it bad that I have no interest in watching one more documentary about his life?  In my opinion, Michael Jackson died a long time ago.  All that’s been left for many years was the broken shell of a hurting man.  But Michael Jackson the brilliant performer?  He died sometime in the early ’90’s.

-Is it bad that yesterday, when I took a Core strengthening class at the gym, I contemplated all the ways that I could bring harm to the instructor who I’m sure was trying to kill us all?  Is it bad that this morning, when I tried to sit up and realized that my abdomen has gone on strike in protest to the bajillion and one crunches I did yesterday, I revisited those hateful thoughts?  I’ve since repented so that makes it better, right?

-Is it bad that by 9:00 am on Wednesday morning, I was already frustrated with my children besides that fact that I came home full of ambition to be more patient with them?

-Is it bad that I always splash a tiny bit of apple juice into Landon’s sippy cup because he refuses to drink water?  Is it bad that when I’m out of apple juice, I put a little water into the apple juice container and attempt to trick him into thinking there’s juice in his cup so he’ll drink water?  It worked for awhile, but I think he’s on to me.

-Is it bad that I posted a status update on Facebook yesterday that was grammatically incorrect? (I misused the comma, and, you know, I likes me some commas.  Yikes, that last sentence was gramatically incorrent – slang, cliche – oh the horror!  And now this paranthetical pause is getting way too long, a personal pet peeve (ooh, I do love alliteration though).  Someone stop me!)  Is it bad that the knowledge of my comma misuse bothered me so much that I actually laid awake in bed last night thinking about it?  Say it with me – obsessive.

-Is it bad that my house is in a sad state (we could be pushing health hazard) but instead of cleaning it I’m thinking of taking the kids to the pool today and then taking a nap?

-Is it bad that I refuse to walk out my back door right now because there is a spider hanging in the air about two feet from the door and I don’t want it to swing over and attack me while I attempt to leave?  Is it bad that I sent the dog out first in the hopes that she will eat the spider for me?  Is it bad that I’m such a pansy?

-Speaking of the dog, is it bad that we are seriously considering getting rid of her?  She’s such a good dog and it really does break my heart to think about giving her away, but we travel so much and are so busy that I feel like we don’t give her the love she needs.  Is it that so bad?

-Is it bad that I stuck my kids in front of the TV where I can almost see there brains turning to mush and the eyes turning into liquid pools just so I could sit down at the computer and write this post?  Is it bad that I used the television as my babysitter?  Is it?

-Is it bad that I want to tear down our swingset because my daughter scares the ever lovin’ bejeebus out of me on it.  She’s a crazy little monkey and I fear that she will lead me to an early grave as she dangles precariously from the moneky bars.  Is it bad that I would rather just remove the death contraption than to teach her safety?

Okay, now it’s your turn.  Write your own Is It Bad? post and leave me a comment with the link – or just post your own Is It Bad? statements in the comments.

So is it bad that I just shamelessly begged you all to leave me a comment?

Check It Out!

The St. Louis Bloggers Guild new site is up and running and it looks awesome thanks to the lovely Melody.  Why not head over there and take a peek?  Also, last week, a feature I wrote for 5 Minutes for Mom ran on a great new site called MyWorkButterfly.  I highly recommend reading the article and joining the site.  And, tune in to 5 Minutes for Mom over the next couple of weeks as they are beginning their Mother’s Day contests and, ohmygoodness, they are giving away some GREAT stuff.  I’ll be doing a review of the HP Mini 1000, which one lucky person will take home so keep your eye out for it.  (I get to keep the Mini for 3 weeks, then I have to return it – boo.)  Anyway, that’s all for now.

My Mom Logic – Preserving the Past

Swish, Swish

The Painter deftly runs His brush over the broad canvas, a brilliant splash of color marking a trail behind Him.  With careful precision, He mixes colors, creating a palate that perfectly compliments.  Some colors are vibrant and immediately pop.  Others are muted, blending more into the background but essential nonetheless to the masterpiece being created.

With every swish of His brush, the Painter brings more life into what was once a dry piece of fabric…

I have spent a significant amount of brain power trying to think of the perfect post for this contest.  I’ve come up with a dozen witty lines sure to have the judges wiping the tears from their eyes as they heave in uproarious laughter. 

But tonight, as I reflect on this topic, I find that I cannot write that humorous post.  Which is probably a good thing because I doubt it was all that funny anyway.








Above you see two pictures.  The woman on the right is my grandmother, Mimi.  The woman on the left is my husband’s grandmother, who we call (oddly enough) grandmother.

These two women are matriarchs in our family lines.  Swish, swish.

Mimi died on March 3, 2004.  Today, Grandmother lays in a hospital in critical condition.  In the last 48 hours she has managed to fight her way off of her deathbed, but she is still a very sick woman.  (since I first posted this, Grandmother has shown a miraculous recovery…Swish).  And my heart hurts.  The connections to the past, to the events that, though long ago, will ultimately play a part in molding who my children are as people, are fading.  I find that a difficult pill to swallow. 

Mimi was the original blogger.  After she passed away, my mom brought home a stack of diaries that Mimi journaled in over a period of 50 years.  They start in 1961, when Mimi and Poppi Jim settled in the West Indies as pioneer missionaries.  They lived without electricity or running water.  Mimi found a thousand different ways to cook SPAM.  Poppi Jim bought a small Cessna airplane to help with the mission work…and then he taught himself how to fly it.

Swish, swish.

In two months, I will go to the island of South Caicos for the first time and see where my mom grew up.  I will meet some of the people who still love and admire my grandparents to this day.  I will see the church and the school that my grandfather started.  The grandfather I never met because he died at the age of 45. 


My husband’s grandmother has been a stalwart of strength.  She is the constant that we can always depend on for skads of hugs, kisses and unending pride.  She is the woman who took a computer class in her late seventies so she could better keep in touch with her grandchildren and great-grandchildren. 

Swish, swish.

What is my mom logic?  Today, this moment, what seems more logical than anything else is to preserve this history of family for my children.  To help them see the fluid lines that are painted in the tapestry of life.  And to give them a pride in their part of this grand piece of art.  Their lives now leave behind a mark that gives greater detail to an intricate history.  I want my kids to grasp and respect this concept.

I also want my children to understand the power of the written word.  I want them to appreciate how precious the scratched out writings of their great-grandmother are and know that her words preserved moments in time that would have forever been lost otherwise.

And someday, I hope that their children will want to know who I was.  And as they search through the pages I’ve written, I want them to see the foundation that was laid for them by their ancestors.  (And I really hope they don’t think, “Gee, great-grandma was a weirdo…”)  That is why I blog.  That is why I spend time documenting the little moments in life.  That is my mom logic.


This is my entry into the MomLogic contest.  While I do hope that I have found favor with the judges, ultimately I hope I’ve honored two women who I love dearly.   

Who Wants to Help a Sister Out?

*yet another update.  I got ten nominations!  WAHOO.  I will be writing a post soon with more information, but before I do that I just want to say…You love me, you really love me.

*update#2: Okay, folks – I just need two more nominations to qualify so if a couple more of you would mind taking a few minutes to head over to my momlogic site, I would appreciate it!  Oh, and I highlighted a fun new site over at 5 Minutes for Mom today.  I will be writing the Say It Forward column every Friday so go check it out if you get a chance.

*I just found out that you have to sign up at MomLogic in order to leave a comment, which is a little frustrating.  It doesn’t take very long, but still…If you still feel inclined to vote, I appreciate it and I’ll include telepathic air kisses in my thanks to you.  If not, I understand – I’ll still send out telepathic love your way.  Aren’t you glad?

There are certain necessities in life.  Food, water, clothing, shelter, shoes and of course Arbonne face products.  Anything outside of these essentials are merely bonus items.  And, you see, I really want one of those non-essentials.  It’s something that I’ve wanted a long time now but little things keep popping up that prevent me from getting it.  Little things like a new driveway, new tires for the car, etc…And, well, it’s something that’s a little pricey and somewhat frivolous, but oh how much I desire one.

I want a laptop.

Yes, I have a perfectly good desktop that I use every day, but how I would love the mobility of a laptop.  It’s hard to get much writing done with all the distractions surrounding my desktop, but to have the freedom to get away on occasion and write?  Bliss.

So I am asking for your help.  I have joined up with the MomLogic community and they are running a contest right now and guess what the winner receives? 

Yep, a laptop…and I want it.

So, would you all mind jumping over to my home page and leaving a comment nominating me?  I have to have 10 nominations to be eligible to win, but I’m hoping the more nominations I receive the better my chances of winning.  It’s really easy and really quick.  Just scroll to the bottom of the page and click on Add a Comment and say I nominate Kelli because she’s so awesome and her blog is the highlight of every day.  Okay, you don’t have to say that last part, unless you want to in which case I won’t stop you…  Bada-bing, bada-boom-there you have it.  The catch is that I have to receive all nominations by April 21, which is just a few days from now.

Thanks, bloggy friends, for helping me out!  If I win I will send you all telepathic hugs and fist bumps.  Because that’s how much I care…