It’s been a tough weekend…for reasons that I don’t feel it appropriate to share on this blog. All I will say is that while I was not directly affected by the events of this past week, people that I love dearly were directly affected and their pain has impacted me. I have been reminded once again that life is fragile and that God is good. Hug your babies. Love the Lord. And know, that no matter what comes your way, He is Sovereign, Holy and giving us all the strength to endure. Sometimes that’s all we can cling to.
The demasculinization of my son…
First of all, I have no idea if I spelled demasculinization right…
Happy Valentines day to everyone! This morning, I laid out my gifts for the kids so when they woke up they’d find them on the table. Such a mom thing to do. I bought both of them these little stuffed dogs that cost $5 at Walmart. The dogs have pink visors and pink and red back packs on. The kids loved them. Seriously loved them. Sloan came running up to me and gave me a big hug, thanking me profusely. It may have had more to do with the little heart shaped box of M&Ms than the toy, but whatever…Anyway, they both clutched those little dogs all through breakfast. Lee, however, was not too thrilled with the purchases. As he watched Sloan pet and talk with his little doggy he asked, “You couldn’t have gotten him a G.I. Joe or something?” Yes, my dear husband, I could have. But then he and Tia would have spent the entire day fighting over the dog so I decided to minimize my battle and get them the same thing. I did get Sloan a black one and Tia a pink one. That should count for something. But if giving my son a toy that’s better suited for a girl makes my day easier, then count me in man!

Set the record straight…

Short Story
So, I recently found out that I won a short story contest that I entered a few months ago. The premise was to take one line of a song that you liked and craft a story around that song. This is what I came up with. It’s not a brilliant story by any means, but it was fun to write. Now, unfortunately I didn’t win the grand prize, which would have been more fun because you get cash, but three first prize entries were chosen for publication in a short story anthology that comes out sometime…I have to find out when. Anyway, I thought I’d share my random short story with my blogger friends. Enjoy!
“Summertime, and the livin’ is easy…”
“Ahh, Katie. They’re playing our song,” Ed said looking lazily at his wife as Rosemary Clooney’s sultry voice filled the room. Leaning further back in his lounge chair, Ed grabbed his wine glass and took a long, slow drink.
“You sure you don’t want any wine, baby?” Ed asked, his words slurring slightly.
Katie smiled gently at her husband and shook her head. “You say every song is our song, dear,” she said, chuckling softly.
Ed returned his wife’s smile and shrugged. “God, you’re beautiful tonight honey,” he mumbled.
Katie blushed and lowered her head, her dark, curly hair falling over her face. “Ed, please, you’ve said that a hundred times tonight. I’m feeling embarrassed.”
“Ah, I’m sorry darlin’. But I can’t help it. You’re just gorgeous.” Ed smiled again – a goofy, lopsided grin that caused Katie to melt into laughter.
“I think you’re drunk, my dear,” she said, her vibrant green eyes sparkling.
“I wouldn’t be if you would help me with this bottle of wine,” Ed replied, pouring himself another generous glass.
“God, I love Rosemary,” he said. Ed closed his eyes for a brief moment and let the music fill his soul. Suddenly a deep sadness washed over him. A lump formed in his throat.
Hearing no reply, Ed opened his eyes and looked over to the couch where his wife sat. She was not there.
“Katie?” Ed looked around wildly.
“Right here, honey,” Katie said from behind him.
“Oh, baby, you scared me,” Ed said. “I didn’t know where you were.”
Katie laughed. “I was wondering, Mr. Stevens, if I might be able to request a dance,” she said to her husband.
Fumbling slightly, Ed pulled himself out of his chair and walked unsteadily to his wife. “I’ve had a little too much to drink to be dancin’ baby,” he said slowly.
Katie stepped up and put her head on her husbands’ chest. “We don’t have to move much,” she whispered. “I just want to hear your heart beating.”
Ed wrapped his arms around his wife’s small frame. Suddenly wishing that he would have stuck to that diet, Ed found himself trying to suck in his protruding gut as he swayed back and forth.
Ed jumped and pulled back from Katie as Travis entered the room.
“What are you doing?” Travis asked, his face slightly red.
“I’m dancin’ with your mother, Trav. It’s nothin’ to be embarrassed about,” Ed warbled.
Travis looked uncertainly at his father. “Okay,” he said slowly. “Um…Well, I’m going out with the guys tonight so I’ll be back later.” Travis turned quickly to leave.
“Travis, wait!” Ed bellowed. “Get back here.”
Travis turned back to face his father. “First you say hello to your mother, then you ask properly if you may go out.” Ed grabbed hold of the back of his lounge chair for support as the room spun slightly. He did not see the look of confusion, followed by anger that swept across his son’s face.
“Uh, hi mom, sorry,” Travis said, looking down at his feet. “So, can I go out with the guys?”
“Ed, let him go,” Katie whispered to her husband.
“Okay, you can go, but be home by midnight, got it?”
Travis nodded and stared at his father for a brief moment before turning to leave.
“Katie, I’m sorry he is so rude to you. That boy needs manners!” Ed said as he scooped his wife into his arms once again.
“Oh Ed,” Katie sighed, “Travis is sixteen. He’s at a very confusing time in his life. Give him a little space to figure things out, alright?”
Ed nodded, then stopped as Frank Sinatra’s voice greeted them through the speakers.
I fall in love with you, every day…
“Listen baby, they’re playin’ our song.”
Katie threw her head back and laughed out loud. “Okay, it’s time for you to get some rest,” she said. She took Ed’s arm and guided his back to his chair.
“I don’t want to sleep,” Ed slurred. “I want to be with you.”
“Yes, well I’m tired and I do want to sleep. You rest awhile and I will see you soon, okay?”
Ed nodded slowly and leaned back in his chair.
“Okay, baby,” he mumbled. “But don’t go far…” Before he could finish speaking, Ed was asleep.
Five hours later, Ed awoke with a jolt. Rubbing his eyes he squinted at the clock, trying to make out the time. 2:00 a.m.
“What woke me up?” Ed grumbled, his head still spinning. Then he heard the creak of the stairs behind him.
“Travis?” Ed called. The creaking stopped. “Travis get in here!” Ed yelled, stumbling out of his chair.
Seconds later, Travis appeared in the doorway. “Yes dad?” he asked slowly.
Ed pulled himself up tall. “Come here,” he said.
Travis walked slowly forward, tripping over the corner of the end table.
“Do you know what time it is son?” Ed asked.
Travis shrugged.
“Answer me, Travis!”
“It’s 2:00, dad, okay?”
“Have you been drinking?” Ed asked leaning in closer to his son.
“No more than you have,” Travis mumbled.
“Did you drive yourself home?” Ed asked, his face growing red.
Travis did not answer.
“What the hell is the matter with you Travis? Do you have any idea what a stupid stunt that is? You could have killed someone!” Ed was yelling now, his face inches from his son’s.
“Oh, well gee, Dad. I’m glad you’re so concerned about everyone else’s well being. But don’t worry about me, alright?” Travis yelled back.
“Oh shut up, Travis. And lower your voice. I don’t want to wake up your mother. After the way you treated her tonight, she would be devastated to know that you came in drunk.”
Travis looked up at his dad, fury flashing in his eyes.
“What are you talking about, Dad? What the hell are you talking about?” Travis shouted.
“What do you mean, what am I talking about?” Ed replied. “I’m talking about showing your mother a little respect from time to time.”
“Mom is DEAD, Dad! She’s been dead for over a year!” Travis trembled violently as he glared at his father.
Before Ed could stop himself he felt his arm lurch back and swing around with a crack across Travis’ face. A thin line of blood immediately trickled from the corner of his son’s eye.
“Oh, God. Oh Trav, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. Please forgive me son,” Ed cried softly as Travis spun on his heel and ran from the room.
“Travis! Oh Travis, forgive me!” Ed wailed. He was answered by the slam of the back door. A few seconds later he heard squealing tires and watched through the window as his son pulled out of the driveway. Ed collapsed in his chair and covered his face.
“Oh, God forgive me. Forgive me,” Ed said the words over and over. He closed his eyes and leaned back. He felt another wave of sadness press upon his chest. It was a deep, suffocating sense of dread and doom. He needed his wife.
“Katie?” he said, opening his eyes and looking around the room. “Katie?” He looked behind his chair where she had stood before. “Katie?” the voice coming from his throat did not sound like his own.
Once again, Frank Sinatra’s smooth voice jumped out of the still playing stereo.
Fly me to the moon…
“They’re playing our song, Katie,” Ed said, tears dripping onto his cheeks. He waited for his wife’s magnetic laugh, but was met with nothing but the calm, melodic sound of the music.
“Okay, Katie. Let’s get some rest,” Ed said softly. He wiped his eyes and leaned back. “I’ll see you soon, baby.”

Yoga Baby

Ode to McDonalds
Oh McDonald’s, you’re so grand
Your food is oh so good-oh
I can find you anywhere
From Rodeo to the hood-oh
How I love your value meals
I get them super size-oh
Because I just can’t get enough
Of your greasy fries-oh
My darling children go crazy
When they see your golden arch-oh
Their wild screams pierce the air
As I drive the car-oh
How they love your Happy Meals
With the cheapy toy-oh
Apple dippers, Chocolate milk
One for girl and boy-oh
Yes I love you fast food joint
You’re easy and you’re fast-oh
And now it’s even easier
‘Cause I don’t need no cash-oh
Then there is the Playplace
Where my shoes, they always stick-oh
But that place stinks ’cause when we leave
My kids are always sick-OH!

The Church Triumphant
*Sorry, this post is a little long.*
So I got a CD I ordered in the mail yesterday and I am THRILLED! It’s the TRUTH 25th Anniversary album, which is my all time favorite CD. I lost it several months ago and have been so bummed because it’s out of print and is nowhere to be found…or so I thought. After some stealth internet searching, I finally found a website that sells old, out of print music and low and behold, they had my CD! Today, I gladly popped it into the CD player and sighed with contentment. I love this CD for several reasons. First, it takes me back to my college days as the first two songs are songs that I sang 500 hundred times with a travelling group I was in at Baylor. As I hear those notes, I remember the days that were filled with so much fun as we travelled all over Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and, well, the world, singing and performing. We went to Spain, British Columbia and Taiwan on two week long tours and I’ve never had so much fun in my life. Second, the singing on this CD is just phenomenal. Finally, the words of the songs are so powerful. They are deep and filled with such meaning. It’s just great music. Anyway, while driving Sloan to speech therapy, a song called The Church Triumphant came on. This song was never really of my favorites for some reason. I tended to skip over it, but today I really listened to it and I got chills. What a powerful song! By the time it was over, I had tears in my eyes and was blinking profusely (can you blink profusely?) so I wouldn’t drive off the road. Sometimes I get so discouraged as a believer. I feel like there are so many people out there who are led astray by people claiming to know Christ, but who are indeed spreading lies. I get discouraged by the many religious leaders who fall so publicly due to blinding sin and therefore make a mockery out of the faith that I hold so dear. I feel like so many people misunderstand Christianity because of groups like the one that protests the funerals of fallen war heroes. These radical people who are entrenched in hateful slander and are anything but loving. My point in this post is not to preach. I just share how I was encouraged today. I was reminded that the Church, God’s Church, is still alive and well, despite those who have tried to destroy it. Here are the words of the song. Roger Breland, the founder of TRUTH is speaking these words while the singers are in the background. Just reading it doesn’t do it justice. You should buy the album to really get the effect! I just checked the site and they are currently sold out but keep checking if you’re interested to see if you can get a copy. Anyway, I hope you are blessed by these words:
“God has always had a people. Many a foolish conquerer has made the mistake of thinking that because he has forced the Church of Jesus Christ out that he has stilled its voice and snuffed out it’s life, but God has alwasy had a people. The powerful current of a rushing river cannot be diminished because it is forced to flow underground. The purest waters are the stream that’s burst crystal clear into the sunlight after it’s fought it’s way through solid rock. There have been charliatains (sp?) who, like Simon the Magician, sought to barter on the open market that power which cannot be bought or sold, but God has always had a people. Men who could not be bought and women who were beyond purchase. Yes, God has always had a people. There have been times of affluence and prosperity when the Church’s message has been nearly diluted into oblivion by those who sought to make it solcially attractive, neatly organized and financially profitable. It has been gold plated, clothed in purple and crusted with jewels. It has been misrepresented, ridiculed, lauded and scorned. These followers of Jesus Christ have been, according to the whim of the times, elevated as sacred leaders and matyred as heretics. Yet through it all there marches on that powerful army of the peak. God’s chosen people that cannot be bought, flattered, murdered or stilled. On through the ages they march – the Church, God’s Church Triumphant, alive and well. Now listen child of God, it’s alive. Discouraged pastor, it’s His Church and it’s alive. Lonely missionary, sow the seed with confidence. It’s alive my broken hearted friend. Old saint, you’re not alone and forgotten, the Church is alive. Busy lover, cast your cares on Jesus. It’s alive young student, you’re not alone in serving the Lord. Faithful father, there’s rest in the Lord and the Church is alive. Cynical skeptic, you haven’t killed God with your noisy unbelief, He’s alive. So family of God, raise your hands and praise the Lord for the Church, God’s Church Triumphant, is alive and well!”

So far so good
So, we put Tia in a big girl bed tonight. She went right to sleep. She seemed a little perplexed by it and kept looking at her crib like she didn’t understand why she had to sleep in this bed when there was obviously a perfectly good bed right there. But, she did not get up so we’ll see how it goes. I fully anticipate her waking up and traipsing into our room early in the morning.
In other kid news (because really, what other news is there?), Sloan is absolutely petrified of thunder. It all stems from last year when we had a big, nasty ice storm and had a lot of damage to our house. A limb came through the roof, lots came down in the driveway and yard so that we couldn’t back out and we lost power for five days. We still have a visual reminder of a tarp on the roof because we’re lazy and haven’t gotten it fixed yet. It didn’t actually come into the house so it’s been easy to ignore. Anyway, since then Sloan has been a basket case anytime he sees a flicker of lightening or a rumble of thunder. Tonight we told him that lightening was just the angels taking pictures from heaven and thunder was them clapping at how beautiful the earth is. Yeah, it wasn’t that effective, though we did notice him grinning really big when he looked out the window. The boy can never resist the chance to ham it up for the camera. Now he’s asleep with his sound machine turned up so loud it sounds like Niagara Falls in the next room. We’ll probably all have to pee all night…

Yahoo! My first award…
My dear friend Nicole gave me the Excellent award for my blog. And I’m honored. But, I’m not cool, nor am I tech savvy because I can’t figure out how to paste the picture on my blog. So, you’ll just have to take my word for it. Or go check out her blog and Here’s the Diehl to see what I mean. Thanks, Nicole! You’re the reason I’m blogging and this blog has helped me keep my sanity over the last month. I’m now officially addicted.

Snow day

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