It’s raining today

She’s walked around the house whimpering and clutching her ear.  She hasn’t slept a full night in four days nor has she eaten much of anything.

This is the child who never says no to sleep and food.  Ever.

More than once when she was younger, she would vomit in the middle of the night and go right back to sleep in it and we wouldn’t know she was sick until the next morning when the house smelled like death.  Hope you’re not reading this while drinking your coffee.

So we knew something was wrong.  The Walgreen’s Walk In clinic nurse lady said Swimmer’s Ear.  It was a best guess since she couldn’t see past the impacted wax in Tia’s teeny tiny ear canals.  So off we went with drops and an Icee, because Tia didn’t scream bloody murder when the nurse lady looked in her ears.


She spiked a fever and her ear hurt so bad she couldn’t even eat a Wendy’s Frosty for lunch. This was bad.  So we made a phone call to a local ENT and I bribed her a second time in three days.

“Be brave and I’ll get you a little treat,” I promised.  Because in the past it’s taken me and two nurses to hold her down for an ear exam.  Bribery is my only defense.

“That is a nasty looking little ear,” the doctor said as he peeked inside.  Her eyes were squeezed shut and she took big deep breaths to keep herself calm.  “Most adults wouldn’t be able to function under the type of pain she is probably experiencing.”

Her ear canal has swollen shut, a negative reaction to the medicated drops.  Does she have an inner ear infection in addition to the outer ear infection?  No one can say because she has so much wax in her ears and it’s packed in tight like cement.

“I’m surprised she can hear anything at all,” he said.  I told him we repeat things a lot.

So Friday morning, we are headed into a local surgery center to have her sedated and have her ears roto-rooter’ed (Yes, that’s a word…it’s a verb).  From there we will better be able to determine exactly what’s going on inside her ears and hopefully relieve her of this nasty, ugly pain.

Until then, it’s lots of Tylenol and hugs and probably a few more sleepless nights.  The little radiator climbs in bed with us around 1:30 when her current dose of medication wears off and sleeps on top of me the rest of the night.  The good news is that last night, for the first time in several days, she hasn’t cried throughout the night.  And she’s still asleep this morning.

Probably because it’s raining and dark outside.

Look at that, I somehow managed to tie that random title into this post after all.  Go me…

How is your week going?


  1. melcable says

    I’m sure dr.s have told you this, sophie is a big wax producer too, not like your Tia though I suppose, anyhoo, they told us to put drops of mineral oil in her ears every now and then, it apparently breaks up the wax. Have we tried it, no! but it sounds good 🙂 I keep thinking I will sneak in at night and drop it in. Poor tia and poor mama.

    • We have honestly tried everything. Her wax is something different. I think it’s made of iron. 🙂 But I am going to ask the ENT if something like this might be effective for her. Thanks Mel! 🙂

  2. I’ll be praying for that dear girl. And her dear tired mama.


  3. Poor Tia. Doesn’t it just kill you when the docs say that kind of stuff about their pain level? I always think my kids are playing it up a bit or milking it. Then the doc says something like that and I feel really terrible that I haven’t been sympathetic enough. Glad Tylenol is helping her a bit…just two more days! Praying for you guys…

    P.S. So, um…hurricanes…what are your thoughts there?

    • At least you can see them coming right?! They don’t sneak up on you like tornadoes. And yes, I hate hearing exactly how awful her pain has been. Although with Tia, I know it’s got to be bad for her to cry through the night and shun ice cream. Seriously, there isn’t anything on Earth that girl loves more than sleep and junk food!

      Had it been another one of my children (ahem…Sloan…ahem) the drama would be through the roof. Ha!

  4. Poor Tia! I hope they get that cement out SOON!

    • Thanks Amy! She is doing much better today. As long as no one touches her ear, she is fine. That’s a big improvement. 🙂