The Debate of our Generation

I try to keep things light around here.  I don’t like starting fights and I don’t like confrontation.  I tried all of that some in the past and, honestly, wasn’t crazy about the drama that followed.  So I stopped.

But this is not something that I can keep silent about any longer.  I think this is an important issue that we should be discussing.  I think it’s time we all took a deep breath and had a reasonable conversation like the grown ups that we are.  This issue is very sensitive to some and I’m not sure that there’s a right or wrong answer, but I do know we need to discuss.

Watch the video and then let me know YOUR thoughts.  How do you feel about this issue?  This may be the debate of our generation so I want to hear what you have to say. And remember, we are all entitled to our own opinions. Don’t be afraid to share how you really feel. This is a safe place…


  1. They’re only hot if you have mashed french fries from zillions of happy meals lodged down in the seats and a few splashes of juice (and occasionally throw up) on the backs of the front seats. Just any old minivan is not hot…but yours is. 🙂

  2. I have all of those things, plus rotten ham in the cupholder! SCORE!

  3. Candy martin says

    They are as Hot as the person driving them! I am quite sure that I was Hot all those years I drove my minivan. Hold your head hig, let your hair blow in the wind, sing louder with the window down, and every so often wink at the person beside you in an SUV. It will take them by surprise, and in a few years, it will embarrass the kids tremendously!!

  4. I think Candy’s onto something. and since I’m not hot, I depend on a red sports car for part of the illusion, even though that is completely negated as soon as two kids carrying chess boards get out of the car.

  5. melcable says

    You guys are dorks! thats why I love you. And of course mini-vans are hot, think of all the naughty things you can do with all that space 🙂

  6. Yes, we are dorks. And just so you know, you were the first of my once cool college friends to make the minivan plunge. And you have forever remained a hotty because of (NOT in spite) it. And that’s why I love you…

  7. I’m with that young man you interviewed. They are practical and serve a great purpose when you have kids, and the sliding doors, WOW! It’s always what’s on the ‘inside’ of anything that really counts. So are they hot….YEAH! All 6 of my grandkids ride in one!!! So that settles the debate as far as I’m concerned.

  8. Melissa says

    Haha! You guys are so cute! I love it!

  9. You already know where i stand on this debate! 🙂 We should go cruising together. Too much hotness on one road at the same time?! I think so!

  10. Sent your demo tape to Warner Bros. to replace the currently cancelled “Two and a Half Men” with “Two and a Half Doors…One Sliding”
    I think you have a real shot, particularly if you add some cute kids in the show with those hot older folks.

  11. You are awesome! And totally meant to do videos! Minivans are hot if you put ghost flames on them. Anything is hot when you add ghost flames 🙂

  12. Minivans may not be hot, but this video is! 🙂

  13. Jeff that made me laugh out loud. Hollywood would be much hotter if a few minivan moms rolled into town. 🙂 Jim, you’re my video inspiration. I’ve been crawling through your site cracking up at your videos! And Megan, I will take thebhot where I can get it.


  1. […] fellow hot minivan driving and Mommy blogger, Kelli Stuart, from over at posted a great video to help you all join in on the age old debate of  Are Minivans Hot? To which […]

  2. […] personal site Minivans Are Hot. Watch this video then visit the site to give your feedback on the epic question that’s plagued us for centuries. (Ok. So maybe not centuries but at least for a number of years, as she points […]

  3. […] years as I’ve grown and matured as a mom, a wife, a writer and a friend. When you come here, I hope you laugh and walk away […]