Tell me about it boys


Last night, Lee and I assumed our positions on the couch the jar of Nutella between us for a little relaxation in front of the television.  Since LOST went off the air, we just haven’t been able to get into another show.  We liked Glee for a little while, until it became an over-sexed after school special and we gave up on it.  I was into Grey’s Anatomy until it turned into a political commentary on all the hot button topics so I gave up on that one too.

It’s hard to find good TV…

So most of our television watching these days consists of channel surfing.  We do this for 20 minutes, get frustrated, flip off the TV then pile up in bed with our copies of FRIENDS, which we got for Christmas.  Now that was good TV!

Last night, however, we missed out on watching FRIENDS because Lee ended on the Syfy channel where Star Trek XXVVVII was playing.  I have to confess, I don’t get Star Trek.  I have never understood the fascination with it.  It’s campy and corny and the acting is bad and… Apparently I don’t have enough testosterone to get it.

So can someone explain it to me?  Because when I asked Lee to explain the fascination, his eyes widened and he looked at me as though I was a Cling On (seriously, I don’t even know if I spelled that right…) Klingon.

“It’s just awesome,” he exclaimed, flinging his hands up for emphasis.  “It’s so cool.”


Why again?

I watched for a few minutes as Captain Kirk (James Tiberius – I learned that much from the two minutes I watched) and the doctor (don’t remember his name) were placed on trial by the Cling On’s Klingons for the assassination of the Great High Chancellor, which, of course, Kirk and WhatsHisFace did not commit.  They were, in fact, trying to save the man’s purple blooded life.

And then I learned that Kirk’s son was killed by a Cling On Klingon.  Just typing all that info, I felt my estrogen levels drop a bit…

But alas, I grew bored pretty quickly.  I did find it fascinating that Kim Catrall of Sex in the City notoriety was on the good guy’s ship (The Enterprise?  Is that Star Trek or Star Wars?).  That was all I found really, really interesting though.  So tell me about it boys.  What’s the fascination?

I don’t want to leave out the women who enjoy Star Trek, either, so if there are any of you who are heavier on the estrogen that still enjoy watching the show, fill me in.  Help me understand.

Because I just don’t get it.

Lee didn’t come to bed until after the movie ended last night.  I wanted to ask him how it all turned out in the end.  Were Kirk and WhatsHisFace put to death or were they ultimately proven innocent?  But I just didn’t really care all that much and I was really tired so I smiled and mumbled May the Force be with you.

And may it also be with you.


  1. Can I pipe up even though I don’t have testosterone? I think Star Trek is kinda like a sci-fi soap opera. I also dig stuff like True Blood and The Vampire Diaries, and that is the best comparison I can draw… Although I am sure some Star Trek die-hards will now have my head on a pitchfork for that comparison. Anyway, give it a few episodes until you get to know the main characters a little and see if you don’t get it then is my suggestion 🙂

  2. Interesting analogy, Melody. Star Trek to men is Twilight to women. Nice. 🙂

  3. Kel,
    I dont get it either. The shows are awful, SOME of the movies were cool. But, if you want to like star trek…or give it a fair shake. See the NEW version that just came out a year or so ago. VERY COOL! I think you will like it. But yea…the show for me? Not so much. I hope lee and I are still compatible.

  4. We did see the new movie and I liked it, but since I have never watched the shows a lot of it went over my head. Lee got tired of explaining it to me after the first 30 minutes. 🙂

    I think he’ll overlook this one trangression, though, Jeremy. ‘Sall good. 🙂

  5. Kelli:
    First some education. What’sHisFace is Dr. Leonard McCoy a noted physician in the wake of Dr.JohnH.Watson and deserving of respect.
    You noted the appearance of Kim Catrall but omitted the salient fact that she was a villian (“on the good guy’s ship). That movie was the first to accord women a place other than a concubine for Captain Kirk.
    You omitted as well the bravura performance of Christopher Plummer and the many lines he used with qoutes from Shakespere. Dialog at it’s best.
    Lastly, men love Star Trek the way women love Days Of Our Lives and, yes, Sex in the City. Old friends providing warm comfort on cold nights. It’s not the testosterone, it’s genetics as “hunters” boldly going where no one has gone before…
    Apologize to Lee and try Star Wars, Episode IV, A New Hope.

  6. Well done, Jeff. I would have expected nothing less from you. 🙂

  7. Oh and incidentally, thanks for clearing up the Dr. McCoy issue. I kept wanting to say it was Dr. Spock but knew that wasn’t right. And to clarify, I have never actually watched an episode of Sex in the City but I do see the argument that Star Trek is merely a soap opera for men. That is a great explanation!

  8. mel cable says

    Have yall gotten into modern family? And funny you say that about Grey’s, Ritchey was just commenting on that fact last night.

  9. “May the force be with you”?!
    *gently weeping*

  10. Hehehe…

    For the record, I really enjoy Star Wars. I think that’s a great series – still with bad acting, of course, but more interesting in my oh so girly opinion. 🙂

  11. I miss LOST…*sigh*

  12. Oooohhh…me too. After we finish watching the FRIENDS series, we’re going to rewatch Season 6. Such a great, great show. 🙂

  13. I’m not a trekkie, but here are my and Tom’s favorite “watch together” shows…. #1 The Closer (on TNT- rent or Netflix the early seasons to truly appreciate the characters’ development- ok that sounded too intense, but you really should watch the first few seasons). #2 Undercovers (a JJ Abrams series, less intense than Lost, but entertaining with enough eye candy for both you and Lee). #3 Hawaii 5-0 (didn’t think I’d like it, but I am hooked). Hope this gives you a few other options from Friends (but, yes, that was good TV).

  14. Since you are a “Friends” fan, then you need to know that “Cougar Town” on ABC is like “Friends” for grown-ups. SO. Funny. I don’t usually share that recommendation with anyone because I don’t want to get the “you’re-a-preacher’s-wife-are-you-sure-you-should-be-watching-that?” look, but it basically has the same moral irregularities as “Friends,” so I doubt you will try to stone me or anything. 😉

  15. I like to think of them as morally challenged, although moral irregularities is a great description. :)Thanks for the recommendation!


  1. […] I cried and I beseeched my male readership to please, for the love of all things holy explain to me the obssession with Star Trek. (Best I could tell, Star Trek is to men what Twighlight is to […]