It’s coming to an end

The kids have had a wonderful week down in Florida with their grandparents but, sadly, it ends today.  I have to admit, we’ve also really enjoyed the relaxing week with just Landon at home.  I know he’s bored out of his mind, but I’ve relished the quiet.  But I’ve also missed my kiddos.  Rather than wishing they were here with me, though, I’ve more longed to be there with them.

Sloan and Tia in sand




Bunker beds


Tia Fish

Tia sand castle

Sloan lost another tooth

Sloan lost another tooth

Thank goodness the Tooth Fairy makes stops in Florida. And she leaves money in a seashell!  Cool!

Thank goodness the Tooth Fairy makes stops in Florida. And she leaves money in a seashell! Cool!

Ice cream

Tia Sand Pearl

Glow Sticks 2





  1. Aww! Looks like they’ve had so much fun!! And I may be a bit jealous as well…

  2. I wish i was there too!!! Brooke says, “I love those pictures”. She likes the rock on one 🙂 How lucky they are to spend this time with their Bushka and Boss.

  3. man i don’t blame ya,…i want to be there too!