A Fairy I Am Not

This is the view from my bedroom looking down the hallway…


I’d like to say that a little fairy came in while I slept and folded all these mounds of clothing that are waiting to be dispersed (read: shoved) into their respective drawers.

I’d like to say that…but I can’t.

The truth is I folded these mounds of clothes and I’m not done.  That’s only five of the nine loads of laundry I did yesterday.

Try not to be jealous of me, everyone.  I know it’s hard…



  1. melissa says

    ok, I know I’m bad, but how do you accumulate that much laundry, do you have an undending supply of underwear and socks and a bottomless laundry basket? check out flylady.net, or my friends blog blazerfamily.blogspot.com from a couple weeks ago. flylady is kind of crazy but if you break her down, super helpful. I am on week 2 of having a clean house everyday- crazy considering how lazy I am, anyhoo. love you tons and your blog!

  2. Cleaning is not my thing. And I’m okay with it. Most of the time. Unless I can’t find what I’m looking for. Then it’s annoying that I wasn’t blessed with the “clean gene.” So I can completely relate to this post.

  3. I like clean, but organization is not my favorite thing. That’s not to say I’m not an organized person, though – I just prefer to do it in one large spurt rather than a little bit every day.

    Melissa, we actually do have a lot of underwear which means that I can get away with not doing laundry for awhile. It’s a little overwhelming when I have to do that much at once, but truthfully I like doing it once a week. I don’t like to do a little bit every day. That just doesn’t work for me. I have heard of fly lady but I’ve never checked her out because I’m afraid it would totally overwhelm me. I just give it a try. 🙂