The Winter Blues

It’s that time of year. The time of year when Lee and I both being ramping up our desire to move to Florida. The time of year when I drool over beachside properties. The time of year when I just struggle. 

It’s the time of year when I look at pictures like this one, which I took last June in South Caicos, and get a lump in my throat as I long for heat, shorts and the smell of salt in the air:



I’ve never thought of myself as a bluesy person, but I’m really feeling bluesy this winter. Part of it is hormonal, I know that. I’m still trying to get things in order after the third born and my body is still not working the way it’s supposed to be working. But a lot of it is just this feeling of blah that comes with being cooped up a lot.

I’m tired of school schedules. I’m tired of the day in/ day out routine. I’m tired of everyone being on top of each other, fighting and bickering. I’m tired of trying to keep the house clean and fighting things like dripping snow boots and layers of clothing. I’m tired of laundry and I’m tired of the TV. I want to send my kids outside and know that they will stay there for a solid hour, expanding their imaginations and exercising their little bodies. Even they are feeling sluggish and blah.

We’re all just tired.

When I was growing up, our family moved to Wisconsin for six years. Wisconsin – the land of the never ending winter. I remember my mom getting very tired of the cold weather and snow and thinking she was loco. Snow was fun! The sledding, the snowmen, the igloos we built in six foot drifts. It was a blast!

Um, I get it now. Winter is not fun as a grown up. Sure, I might enjoy it if I got to sit inside in my jammies all day long reading a book in front of a roaring fire. But I don’t get to do that. 

The monotony of winter is what really kills me.  We can’t run out to the park to get out the afternoon squiggles; we can’t go to the Zoo to satisfy the itch for exploration; even running minor errands becomes a chore as we have to pile on jackets and sweatshirts – and then there’s the 6 year old, who hates, nay – loathes – wearing pants.  It’s a day to day struggle to get him to dress appropriately in the cold weather. 

I’ve given up, by the way.  I’ve decided to pick my battles and when we are home, if he wants to wear shorts and a T-shirt, he’s welcome to do that.  He knows to put on a sweatshirt if he gets cold.

So, I’ll quit complaining and get on to my question.  What do you guys do to break up the monotony of winter?  How do you fight the winter time blues with your kids?  What are some fun activities you do with your kids to keep the TV off and keep them from killing each other? 

Suggestions are not only welcome, they’re imperative to my sanity.


  1. I think you must be blogging out of my brain because we are the same way! Little illnesses back to back since November have not helped the cabin fever in our household either. I will be returning to this post for any suggestions people leave because I NEED THEM TOO!

    I haven’t gotten out any “messy” type stuff for them to play with in a while…maybe it’s time for playdough, moon sand, aqua sand or the like to make an appearance.

    Another suggestion I ran across recently was to bring buckets of snow INSIDE for the kids to play with on a covered table or in the bath tub so that way you don’t have to bundle them up just they can stay outside for all of 5 minutes or have to go the bathroom before they even get out of the door. I haven’t tried this one yet.

  2. UGh…I’m SO with ya, Kelli. And I KNOW that I can’t really complain, seeing as how Macon is a whole lot warmer than STL, but I still agree. I hate days when we have cooped up energy and depend way too much on the TV for entertainment. Joshua has really become interested in science experiment type stuff. Now, I’m not much of a planner/scheduling in such activities or thinking ahead and buying materials for that kind of thing. But even improvising, we’ve come up with some cool projects. Like mixing food coloring to see what colors make what. Or using a funnel and running water through different materials (like cotton balls or sand– got that one off of Sid the Science Kid…That’s one show that I actually like my kids to watch.) We also love crafty things– although they’re messy, they seem to relax our kids. Another thing that I’ve done is mix water/vinegar in a spray bottle, give them both a towel, and have them clean and bathroom/trim/laundryroom. Oddly enough, they actually seem to enjoy it! I’m anxious to hear others’ ideas! (By the way- Joshua LOVES wearing shorts too. Maybe it’s a boy thing?)

  3. AMEN Kelli! I am so feeling it too this year more than ever. Mark and I have been talking recently about how monotonous our lives have become and it’s so sad! I miss the sun, the warmth and the activities that come with those conditions. Winter is tough on everything…including your skin. It’s February. Spring is right around the corner so everyone is even more on edge with anticipation.

  4. I go through that too!! I have been fighting it by looking around the house and redecorating using stuff i already own, or just move things around to different rooms. We just added a new firplace mantle with scrap wood in the garage too. I guess that kind of stuff is my hobby, i guess. This is a tough time of yr though. Did you ever get your thyroid checked…could be why you are tired. Yesterday, I came home and mentioned to Mike that us neighbor couples should take dance lessons at that Directions place…..yeah, not gonna happen here, but may be something you and Lee could do together to get out of the house. i know you both enjoy dancing. 🙂

  5. From a gal living in Upper Michigan…just a couple hours from Wisconsin, I totally hear you. Sigh. Spring’s not coming till April at the earliest and I’ve been done since mid-January.

    If I didn’t have to drive in it….