I love watching my kids play with their cousins. It takes me back to childhood and how much I loved being with my own extended family. Here are a few snapshots of our weekend in Conway. While getting six kids to play together is a piece of cake, getting all six of them to sit still for photographs is a different story…

Sloan, Katya, Landon

Bribes work well on three year olds...not so much on one year olds

Still not having fun...we have about 15 pictures like this

And they're done
And here are a few pictures of Tia because I just can’t resist.

Isn't that dress great? If they had one in my size, I would have bought it!

She looks very old in these pictures. It kind of makes me sad.

Little Miss Sunshine
All photos were taken by my wonderful sister-in-law, Becke’. Check out her photo blog here.
too cute! and yes that is a great dress!
I saw these on Becke’s blog yesterday and immediately thought OMG what a cute dress where did Kelli find it!? I figured you probably got it in Arkansas so my excitement subsided a little. Glad you all had a fun time with your the fam. Are you going to the gym on Wednesday?
I actually got it at GAP kids in Feburary for Tia’s birthday. You might still be able to find it online, but I haven’t seen it in the store anymore. See ya!
Oh, and I’m tentatively planning on the gym Wed. as long as my kids get well! They’re sick again. Geesh.