My precious Landon –
One year ago today, you entered this world. What a blessing you are. We are so grateful to God for giving you to us. You are pure joy and have been from the start.
I will always consider you my miracle baby. I’ll never forget sitting in my doctor’s office, looking at your perfectly formed, tiny little body on the ultrasound screen and hearing him explain to me that the possiblity of spontaneous abortion was high. I could see you kicking your feet and moving your arms and it broke my heart to think of losing you because my body was unable to house you properly. But God was faithful – He always is – and my body healed and oh how grateful I am because I adore having you as my son.
From the beginning, you’ve been a snuggle bug. Of all three, you are the most likely to sit in my lap at this age and just snuggle. You love hugs and often come toddling over for a quick hug before rushing off to play some more. That just melts my heart.
I love your sweet little face and those precious chubby cheeks. From the beginning, you’ve been a beautiful child with a sweet disposition to match. You have stolen my heart sweet one!
You are a very funny little guy. I picture you being a bit of a class clown when you grow up because you do like to make people laugh. From the time you were teeny tiny you were giggling and laughing out loud. It’s a sweet sound that usually cracks the rest of us up as well.
You’ve already had many adventures in your short life. You’ve ridden on an airplane twice, taken several car trips, been to Six Flags, skinny dipped in the ocean and crawled naked through the sand. What a life!
As you grow, my prayer for you is the same as my prayer for your brother and sister. I claim this verse over you: “You however, continue in the things you have learned and become convicted of them, knowing from whom you have learned them, and that from childhood, you have known the sacred writings which are able to give you the wisdom that leads you to salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”(2 Timothy 3:14-15)
You have become very playful and interactive lately. You love to “race” with Sloan and Tia. We’ll say, “Ready, set, go!” and you squat down, then take off as fast as your chubby little legs will take you, snorting and laughing the whole time. So cute…
I love you so very much, Landon. I thank God that He decided to let me be your mom. You are a joy and a blessing to all of us.
Happy Birthday, Landon Lee!

You should print that off and put in his baby book. That was so sweetly written. Happy Birthday Landon
Happy birthday, Your Sweetness Landon! You are like my twin son for me, because we carried you and Ulyana together with your mom and had the same terms of delivery but you were quicker than Ulyana, sweetheart. The way you both chose to be born was almost the same. Your mom and I were the same time in labour. You are so similar with Ulyana. she is also a little giggler and kisser, snuggler and hugger. You are both miracles. I wish all the best life has to offer. I wish you to meet the Good often on your life path. May the most people who surround you be kind to you.
We send you our love, a huge amount of kisses and hugs. I hope someday I will have the privilege to meet you and your brother and sister.
great post, kelli!
and happy birthday, sweet landon. sorry we had to miss your party!
Great post and great pictures! I saw your blog through Nicole, hope you don;t mind.
He is such a sweet heart it will be fun to see him grow and his personality develop even more. Very sweet post!
Happy Birthday Landon — we think Dec. 16th is a great day to have a birthday too! 🙂
Looking at those pics from the hospital, it seems like just yesterday!!! It can’t be a year already!!!! He is still soooo precious. What fun it will be to see him as he continues to grow and change!!
Happy Birthday to our little “Hoss”!
Aunt Becke’ and Uncle Eric