I’m sorry for my lack of posting lately. Even when I do post, it’s very blah. I have a serious case of blogger’s block and I’m tired and I’ve had a headache for three days now. So, that makes for poor posting. But, if you’d like some information regarding the Soviet Christmas and New Year’s celebration, scroll down and read the 5th comment on my last post. My friend, Sveta, lives in Kiev (for the time being, she is currently preparing with her family to move back to her home town of Dunaivtsi) and she is a dear sister across the pond to me. She gave a brief explanation of the fun, interesting traditions that Russians and Urkainians alike celebrate. So scroll on down and learn something new. Merry Christmas…again!
My head hurts
December 23, 2008 by

how interesting about the russian traditions & especially the soviet influence – that would be an interesting book! and i'm sorry about your headache – i hope you get some hot tea & good rest – perhaps a soak in the tub?
christmas peace to you 🙂
Kelli, dear. None of your posts is blar. Don’t even say that. i have read all your posts from the very beginning. And I enjoyed every single post. you are just tired. Even a lot of positive emotions are tiring. But your creativity is eternal. It is just having a rest like all of you celebating Christmas. Merry Christmas!