We got a Wii…

…which means my husband has been like a kid in a candy store since Sunday when we brought it home. Since that time I’ve heard these phrases uttered in our home: “D’Oh!” “Oh, I was robbed,” “Booyah,” “Oh, come on, Lee” (talking to himself, of course) and “Son of a BEEP.” In Lee’s defense, that last phrase was muttered jokingly because he could hear me giggling at him – he doesn’t usually sit around and cuss at the TV. What is it about video games that turn grown men into adolescents again? Don’t get me wrong – I love the Wii. It’s good fun and I can get into it too. But my attention span is limited when it comes to such activities, whereas Lee could do it for hours on end. The best is the WWII game he got where he gets to fly around and kill the Germans. That’s when his true colors come out. Kill and destroy! Hah! I can see the satisfactory gleam in his eye every time he takes out another bad guy – redeeming the world from the confines of his couch! What a guy…


  1. Stuart Fam says

    Are you having to teach Lee how to share with his kids? I laugh at how competitive Eric is on that thing…not even merciful while playing with the kids!

  2. the broomes says

    How funny! yeah…I really don’t get the whole guys and gaming systems thing. Have a great time with “just two” kids…sounds like it will be a special week for you and Miss Tia- let us know how the potty training goes– I have really slacked off with Joshua these last couple of weeks.

  3. blessedpath says

    Yeah, what IS the deal with guys and video games??? Mike disappears down into the basement every once in awhile for hours… playing video poker on the ps2. Him and his friends used to play games CONSTANTLY in college. Nice college education, huh. How is the potty training going? B told me today that she wants to give Sloan a big hug when he gets back!

  4. Tiffany says

    i thought you guys already had a wii?

  5. zusjames says

    We have a Wii too! If you ever want to borrow a game let us know… come on.. I know you wanna let out your inner Guitar Hero!