Landon had his check up on Tuesday morning. He weighs a whopping 14 pounds! Pretty good for a kid that doesn’t eat hardly at all. He’ll hate that slow metabolism someday but for now it’s a good thing. He also got his first round of immunizations. I would love to hear some thoughts that some of you have on immunizations. Here are my struggles. While I am all for some of the big ones like polio, hep b, and even MMR despite the controversy over that one, I am beginning to feel a little leary about the others that they keep introducing. Like, is it completely necessary to immunize children from the chicken pox, pneumonia (prevnar) and rotovirus? The reason I ask is because some good friends of ours recently found out their 4 year old has type1 diabetes. This is a severe form of diabetes. Since then, they, and I, have been researching some of the studies that suggest the possibility of some of these live virus vaccines being the root cause of some auto immune disorders. Now, I know that for every study that links diabetes and autism to vaccinations, there is one that refutes any such link, so I am not going to not vaccinate my children for those reasons alone. But, I am beginning to wonder if the risks really outweigh the benefits in some cases. Now if hundreds of thousands of children were dying a year of chicken pox, then sure, the vaccination would definately outweigh the risks associated. Same with rotovirus. But as far as I can tell, the actual percentage of children who have actually died from chicken pox and rotovirus is quite low. I don’t know, it’s all very overwhelming. I did let them give Landon all four vaccinations the other day because I’m a weanie and didn’t feel like I had any ground to back up my concern, but I am strongly thinking about holding off on chicken pox and rotovirus until I either have enough research to feel comfortable with them giving those to him, or I feel comfortable forgoing them altogether. Lee and I decided we will be doing a lot more research before Landon gets more vaccinations, then I think I will have him come to the dr.’s office with me to discuss our concerns and decide which ones we may pass up. If any of you have done research, I would love to hear some of your thoughts.
Immunization woes
February 28, 2008 by

[…] my concerns with the current immunization schedule promoted by pediatricians, which I wrote about here, here and hereĀ (the second post is particularly lengthy as I was in the […]
I am Melissa’s sister in law, Jenni Chism, and I clicked on your blog off Melissas list. (remember me?) Well anyway, so crazy thatI happened on this today, because I, just today, had discussions about the same issue. My 3rd baby had the flu shot at 6 months old, and I didn’t want to consent, but I was bullied into it. It was so difficult because it went against what my gut was screaming at me to not do. Well, 2 days after the flu shot, he developed a terrible cough that lasted for 2 months! He didn’t sleep well and was terribly irritable. He is just now somewhat back to normal and we go in on Monday for his 9 month check up and they will probably want to give him the prevnar shot. I don’t know if it that is necessary either? It has also been a thought on my mind whether all these auto- immune diseases are related to shots, as well. I think we are over vaccinating our kids is my gut feeling! I am praying for the nerve to say No until I know more. Don’t dismiss your inclinations, you might be right on. GOod luck in your research, the more you know the better!
Jenni Chism
Hey Kelli,
Amy Gibson is a great person to talk to about vaccinations. She has done a lot of research and has either skipped some or put them off until later. I’m not sure about this, but I think kids might be required to have the chicken pox vaccine to enter school. (not that you have to do it so early – and maybe not in Missouri – I don’t know.) I think a mama’s gut instincts come from the Holy Spirit so go with them! Love you and can’t wait to see you in a month!!!
Love, Jilli
When we go out tonight you should talk with my friend Elizabeth about your concerns she has a lot of the same ones and has actually talked with her ped about it. Also, when I took Paige in for her 9 month appt. Dr. Sato said he doesn’t think the chicken pox vaccine is necessary. That is a first you don’t usually hear of a doctor who tells you not to get one. We can discuss more tongiht
Stuarts…. this is Tony Hyser. I have recently started to post health newsletters on my family blog until I open my new office and website in Charlotte. The next article I was going to write was on vaccines. It should be up within about a week. Hope you all are doing well!