If you guys get a chance, I wouls highly recommend you click over to my sister-in-law, Becke’s site and read her latest post. It will encourage you greatly and move you and hopefully spur you on to a deeper knowlege of God’s grace. I’ve always admired Becke’ for the way that she so deeply seeks to know and understand who God is. So many times when I talk with her on the phone she is on the internet researching some aspect of God or the Bible that she wants to know more about. While I find myself reading the latest celebrity gossip, she is seeking God’s face. Plus, Becke’ is just good fun to be around. It has been a really hard week for her and for her family, yet she has been gracious and strong, not on her own, but through the strength of the Lord upon whom she so faithfully leans. I am so honored that she is a part of my family and that I get to learn from her.
February 22, 2008 by

That’s very encouraging. Thanks Kel.