Six Years

Six years ago at this very moment, I became a mommy. 

Six years ago at this very moment suddenly my life wasn’t about me any more.

Six years ago at this very moment I was in the worst pain of my life. But it was quickly followed by the biggest surge of joy I’ve ever known.

Six years ago at this moment, I was baffled, flabbergasted, nervous and excited all at the same time.

Six years ago at this time, I knew exactly what to do even though I had no idea what I was doing.

Six years ago at this exact moment, Sloan was born.

It was 6:21 am on a Thursday morning.  It was crazy and hectic as nurses scrambled to accomodate my extremely fast labor.  The house doctor was coaching me since my doctor didn’t make it in time. 

And out he came out, a wriggly, chubby little man with a head full of white blonde fuzz.  And we fell in love immediately.

Fast forward six years.  Sloan is a joy.  He’s smart, he’s funny, he’s friendly and he’s loving.  He loves people and needs companionship as much as he needs oxygen.  I can’t imagine life without Sloan.  In fact, it’s hard to remember life without him.


You are my first born.  You’re the one who made me a mommy.  You make me laugh every day.  You are a good, good little boy and it’s a joy to call you my son. 

Today you get to become a pirate for the day.  That’s your gift from us.  You told me yesterday that instead of taking a pirate cruise, you wish that we could find a Star Wars ship and fly into the galaxy.  I told you that maybe when you turn 12 we’ll be able to find a Star Wars ship to fly in.

I hope you grow out of your Star Wars obsession by then otherwise you will be sorely disappointed.

Since you were born, you have been the most loving, outgoing ,verbal little boy.  It’s been a challenge for me as my first inclination is not to say hi to everyone I meet and ask them to come and play.  But it’s a trait I love about you because wherever we are, you make a new friend.

Last night you told me that you were going to miss 5.  “It was a good year,” you said very dramatically.  Yes, it was a good year.  You grew up a lot this year.  You’re not a little kid anymore.  And while I’m going to miss 5 too, I look forward to 6.  It will be another good year.  I just hope it goes by a little more slowly because you’re growing up way too fast.

I love you, Sloan.  Have a Happy 6th Birthday.
