The boys handing out bags to the kids coming to the fun day we had planned for them. From crafts to snacks to music and dentistry, these kids had the opportunity to receive trinkets that will likely become treasured possessions.

Kids lined up to receive their food. They are fed a hot, solid meal three times a week inside this dirt floored church – the Body in action meeting needs.

We lost count at how many teeth were pulled this day. A combination of poor nutrition, lack of hygiene and zero flouride means most of these children had a mouth full of painful, rotting teeth. Education and prevention are some of the things Servant’s Heart is working to provide for these precious kids.

My son talked the pastor of the local church into taking him on a motorcycle ride. Huge highlight of the trip for this boy.
We are exhausted and my head is a jumbled mess as I try to process everything we saw and experienced this past week. There were so many beautiful things that happened and so many difficult things to see. The impact of this week will settle on all of us in different ways.
Today however, instead of trying to articulate some of the scrambled pictures in my head, I just wanted to share some of the real pictures. I have thoughts to mull over and ideas to share, but today I want to say thanks for the emails and the tweets and the Facebook messages that so many of you sent. It is good to know you’re covered in prayer and it’s a wonderful feeling to know you’re loved so much. You guys are the best.
You guys are the best. You took your own kids on this special trip not in vain. You showed them how different the ways of life can be. But still there is one language in the world – the language of Love.
Sweet Sveta. Thanks for your comment. We are learning more and more the importance of modeling this kind of selfless care to them. It’s hard for us, too! I miss you my sweet Ukrainian sister! 🙂
Praying over your transition back to life here!!!!!!!
Thanks! Pray for health, first! Our stomachs are a wee bit in shambles right now. 🙂
I’m just stumbling upon your blog at a perfect time! I’m headed to a mission trip in Honduras soon. Looking forward to seeing and reading more about your trip! I love that your kids went along!
Oh great! Who are you going to Honduras with?
Love Shines Missions out of Texas. I’m from Iowa so I’ll link with them in Texas.
Welcome home. Maybe your should let your kids dictate your next post… I’d love to hear about the trip from their points of view.
That’s a GREAT idea! I may video their responses.
Really great photos, girl! I can’t wait to hear more.
I can’t wait to share more…once my brain starts functioning again. 😉