Proof that they’re mine

My kids all favor their dad quite a bit.  Particularly Sloan and Tia.  I always have to laugh, though, when people look at them and say things like, “They look just like their Daddy.  But I also see a little bit of your brother in them.”

Huh…that’s funny.  Because my brother was in no way involved in the creation of these kids.  So, without further ado (and because I don’t have much creativity flowing through me today), I give you proof that my kids also look a tiny bit like their Mama.

Aaaahhh...the classic studio shot of the '80's. It was probably taken at Olan Mills.

Four years old.

5-ish years old

2nd Grade. You're jealous of my shirt...

And just because I know you want to see it:

Oversize Esprit Bag? Check. Units belt?  Check.  High tops? Check.  Side ponytail crimped? Check.

Ladies and gentlemen, I owned 1988.  Owned. It.

So what do you think?  Can I claim the kids as my own?

Happy Wednesday.


  1. Is that one of those rainbow ribbon clips in your hair in the 2nd grade pic, I totally had one of those, if only we were friends then, we could have rocked the playground!

  2. The first and third pics really look like tia…especially in the mouth! And the 2nd grade pic looks like sloan, but I still can’t figure out who landon looks like…brett maybe? ahh, cute kids, no matter how you slice it! Oh, and I had that rainbow clip, too!

    • Landon resembles my dad so much it’s almost scary. Brett looks my dad too. So I think it’s safe to say Landon got a majority of the Martin DNA.

  3. Oh, you were such a pretty and cute little girl. Great pictures and such sweet memories. As for the kids, they are yours to the last cell in their sweet bodies. Love you all.

  4. I rather think they favor your brother… 🙂

  5. You totally did own the 80’s my sister! I’m impressed. And wow, Tia looks SOOOO much like you. Sloan just has Lee’s walk…it’s weird to see.

  6. Wow. Thank you for the ginornous laugh. That shirt is somthin else!!!! I think TIA looks a lot like you at 4 & 5yrs 😉

    • If you look closely, you’ll see that the shirt was also Esprit. Which means it was all kids of cool. You mean you didn’t have one of those lovelies?!

  7. Well, my son is a spitting image of my brother and he had no part in the creation, so ?????

  8. my youngest has my big brown eyes so folks always say he looks like me! I always jokingly reply that EVERY 16 yo boy wants to be told that he looks just like his mother! 🙂

    • Yes. I can only imagine that makes him ooze with masculine pride. Ha! For the record, my husband favors his mom a lot, too. 🙂