Wordless Wednesday: The Tooth Fairy is Going Broke

For those of you keeping track – okay, I’m probably the only one keeping track – Sloan has now lost six teeth.  Two on the bottom and four on top.  Every time he smiles I crack up a little. 


For the record, she still has all her teeth.  She wanted to show me.



  1. So cute! How much does the Tooth Fairy give these days?

  2. Well, she gives more for the big front teeth, you know – because it’s more labor intensive for her to move them. But for the smaller side teeth, she’s leaving a buck. 🙂

  3. We don’t have the tradition of Tooth Fairy. But I love it and I would like to ask Tooth Fairy to visit us when the time comes.

  4. Sveta, I imagine the Tooth Fairy would love to come visit Ukraine. It’s time for her to broaden her horizens. 🙂