Sledding rules!!! Lee and I agreed that if we lived in Florida we couldn’t have good fun like this! Of course, down there we could water ski…
Tia and daddy went down first, and Tia did not have fun. She watched from the top of the hill the rest of the time.
Mommy getting a push from Sloan.
Mommy flying off the jump.
This is Sloan catching some serious air, just before he landed on his head. It’s all fun and games…
Daddy going off the jump. Graceful isn’t he?

Kelli! Where did you guys find such an awesome hill to sled down? We went sledding too, but our hill we found was not as “tubular” as yours!!! I would have been sitting with Tia!!
We went to Vlasis Park! It’s awesome. Just the right size so that it’s fun to slide down, but Sloan can still walk back up himself.
Hey Tony Hawk!!! Nice half-pipe!! you rock!! From your biggest fan, Mike
I am so jealous! We haven’t had one single stickable flake yet!